
During my 18 years in elected office in Alaska, 10 were spent representing Elmendorf Air Force Base, now part of JBER, in the Alaska Senate. Those were some of the best years of my life. My wife and I met some of the finest, most patriotic, and bravest people we know. Our children accompanied us to air shows and other events where they were welcome. Some of these friends went to church with us.

Perhaps it should not have been a surprise that after our son observed and interacted with these men and women, he decided he wanted to attend a military academy and serve our country. He is still living that dream.

You can imagine the shock and pain I felt last week when I heard a radio ad by the No on 2 campaign that totally misrepresents how our military and veterans are treated as voters. More recently, I saw the same deceptive message in print. Maybe you too have seen or heard this false advertising.

I will respond as clearly as I know how. No political party nor the Division of Elections has ever required a voter to register with a political party to vote in Alaska’s primary—and that won’t change. If Ballot Measure 2 passes, Alaska’s voting will revert to what it was before. Voters will be able to choose their primary ballot. The disastrous and confusing Ranked Choice Voting for the general election will be repealed.

We Alaskans need to understand what is happening. Wealthy global elites are playing in Alaska’s political sandbox. They did it in 2020 with the deceitful initiative they sold with the false premise, “This will get rid of dark money.” It hasn’t. In fact, there’s more dark money flowing into Alaska elections than ever before. The three largest contributors to No on 2 are Unite America, Action Now Initiative, and Final Five Fund. Ever hear of them? Probably not. But their campaign has raised more than $7.8 million to do their dirty work.

With their money, the No on 2 campaign is using our active military, retired veterans, firefighters and other first responders, people we love and respect, and invents things about how they are treated that are just not true. It’s hurtful. It’s shameful. It’s also against the law. We have asked them to stop—but so far, they just flaunt their money and keep telling their lies.

These groups and others like the 907 Initiative, 1630 Fund, Arabella Advisors, and more are investing big money in Alaska to influence public opinion and work against our State’s best interests. They don’t really care about those of us who live and work here.

The motto engraved on the Honor Wall at the Air Force Academy says, “We will not lie, steal or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.” Other service academies do the same. The No on 2 campaign and its funders would do well to apply this principle.

If you want to know more about Ballot Measure 2, why I’m voting for it, and how you can support it, please visit Alaska elections are worth saving.

The views expressed here are those of the author.

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LOREN LEMAN: Pro-ranked-choice voting ads are shameful, deceptive and illegal

Loren Leman
Loren Leman is an engineer, fisherman, and 18-year elected official in Alaska. He served one term as Lt. Governor. He now serves on several local, state and federal boards and commissions, and is volunteering on the Yes on 2 campaign. He and his wife Carolyn live in Anchorage.


  • Neil DeWitt says:

    Thank you Mr Leman, finally someone responds to the garbage we’ve been force feed from the far left. I too will be voting YES on proposition 2. Alaska needs to get rid of RCV (rank choice voting) one and for all. If a candidate can’t win on their own merit they don’t need to represent Alaskans.

  • Jake Libbey says:

    The irony with the RCV crowd was the same with the constitutional convention and begs the bigger question, what is the financial payoff for these hugely well-funded out-of-state non-profits to meddle in Alaska Politics? They boogeyman themselves in their own ads with the “Dark Money” moniker. It’s all from outside Alaska! Always follow the money.

  • Ray says:

    Hopefully someone on the YES side thought of a way to word it on the ballot where everyone can properly understand the choice being presented to them. The communists are known for misleading to say the least.

    • Friend of Humanity says:

      This is the exact language of the ballot as per the Division of Elections website.
      Ballot Measure No. 2
      An Act Restoring Political Party Primaries and Single-Choice General Elections
      This act would get rid of open primary elections and ranked-choice general elections. It
      would bring back political party primaries and single-choice general elections.
      Elections will occur exactly as they did before a previous ballot measure changed the election laws in 2022. In the primary election, voters will choose a party’s ballot. They will vote
      for one candidate and the winning candidate will be the party’s nominee. In the general election, voters will select one candidate. The candidate with the most votes will win.
      This act would also bring back party petitions, special runoff elections, and other processes
      in place before 2022. It would put all election laws, except campaign finance laws, back the
      way they were before 2022.
      Should this initiative become law? Yes No

    • Pete says:

      They’re also good at distracting you from the real threat: electronic voting.

  • charleydaniel says:

    frustrated with the influence of wealthy outside groups and the deceptive nature of political ads, especially those aimed at such respected members of society. btw, As a football coach in retro bowl, you make all the decisions and guide your team to victory. Get the best players available, organize the ideal plays, and control the field!

  • Debi Kirchner says:

    Thank you for saying this out loud. People need to understand.

  • Pete Peterson says:

    laundering money through a church will never be a good look

  • Elizabeth Henry says:

    I would like to hear some Yes on 2 ads to help counter the lies. The No crowd pushing to keep RCV has deep pockets of money form outside and have covered the airways in ads.

  • Chris says:

    A YES vote will help give the power back to the 10% of the electorate on the far right where it belongs.

    • Elizabeth Henry says:

      A Yes vote will return our elections to simple voting without high tech computer programs shuffling through ‘ranks’ . 100% of voters can vote. Not 10%. .

  • Homeschoolers Told You says:

    Extremely dishonest ads. Dirty too, playing on the veterans and service members is disgusting.
    The open primaries is a trojan horse to keep RCV. Notice there are no “No on 2” ads promoting RCV??
    Shrewed play, but disingenuous to say the least.

  • CD says:

    If RCV is so easy why did I get a flyer in the mail explaining how to fill out the ballot?

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