Under the stated purpose of “honoring the memories of those lost to anti-transgender violence,” the Anchorage Assembly approved a resolution at its Nov. 19 meeting to establish a citywide “Transgender Day of Remembrance.”
The resolution begins by denouncing the 1998 murder of Boston resident Rita Hester, a gender-confused man, but then quickly moves on to focus on raising public awareness of alleged widespread “prejudice, and discrimination that transgender and gender expansive people face in their daily lives.”
The resolution fails to provide any definition for what might constitute “prejudice and discrimination,” nor does it give evidence for the claim that “Black, Indigenous, and Latina transgender women of color” are plagued by “systemic and societal” violence.
In many cases, transgender laws and resolutions are used to force or pressure faith-based groups and businesses, as well as schools and other institutions to capitulate to LGBTQ demands.
It does, however, claim that “at least 73 transgender or gender non-conforming people in the United States died by violent means” in 2023, but provides no supporting documentation, context or background for these alleged deaths or any motives associated with them.
The most recent hate crimes data from the FBI reveals that there were zero reported hate crimes that were based on gender identity or sexual orientation in Alaska over the past year. In reality the overwhelming majority of hate crimes throughout the nation are committed based on a person’s religion or race.
Despite this reality, the Anchorage resolution specifically decries the Alaska State Commission for Human Rights for its 2022 decision to cease investigating complaints based on gender identity and sexual orientation. It also blasts Alaska’s Human Rights Statute for not including gender identity and sexual orientation as special protected legal classifications.
In many cases, transgender laws and resolutions are used to force or pressure faith-based groups and businesses, as well as schools and other institutions, to capitulate to LGBTQ demands regarding access to opposite sex bathrooms, locker rooms and sports teams, as well as mandating that gender-confused individuals be publicly recognized and affirmed in their beliefs.
Increasingly, however, nations across Europe and states throughout the country are rejecting the harmful and life-altering consequences of transgender ideology, especially with regard to cross-sex hormones and irreversible surgeries performed on minors.
The Anchorage resolution concludes by suggesting that “transgender, nonbinary and gender expansive people” somehow lack “basic human rights, health services, and safety.”
After passing the resolution with unanimous consent, Assembly Chairman Christopher Constant invited several dozen people who identify as LGBTQ to come forward for special recognition.
“Everyone who’s here for this one come stand and be seen,” he urged.
Assemblywoman Anna Brawley read the resolution allowed as all Assembly members in attendance gave a standing ovation.
Wearing what appeared to be a blond wig, a stocky man dressed in a blouse and long skirt then took to the microphone to thank the Assembly. He identified himself as Rev. Doctor Denise Sudbeck, a transgender woman and retired pastor.
Following their recognition, the transgender crowd promptly walked out of the Assembly Chambers just as the assembly took up another resolution to recognize November as Purple Heart Month to honor “all of the military personnel wounded or killed in combat with hostile forces.”
Too bad “Transgender Day of Remembrance” isn’t so transgenders can remember what sex they actually are.
I’d like to write a resolution honoring Women Who Identify As Women While Being Pregnant Persons And Parents Of Other Persons Outside The Womb, who are subjected to abuse and neglect every day, since societal norms no longer support holding the door for such women or assisting them when in need, especially in public spaces.
We are WWIAWWBPPAPOOPOTW, and we demand to be seen, heard, affirmed, and assisted.
I’m not transgender, but as an autistic person, I understand the true nature of social biases. It isn’t about transgender people having an ideology to attack, that’s how you’ve framed it in your mind because the belief facilitates your transition, one from discomfort to comfort. From their inclusion to their banishment.
Transgender people want nothing more than you want, but the movement for their rights only takes something from you in your imagination while you aim to infringe their realities. The beast is clear. and has been made clear. The banality of evil is real.
The journey of self discovery is a personal one. If a transgender cannot make personal discoveries without having to make a political movement to force others to accept them, then do the transgenders have any real personal power?
We all deal with rejection. We all attract those of a like nature around us. To demand that everyone be accepting of you because YOU are the one who is different, is a pipe dream and quite simply a display of enormous hubris.
Human nature expresses as male an female with abnormalities in between. Transgender is an anomalous situation that should be dealt with on a case by case level, not by mass policy change that affects everyone in way unnecessary.
More power to the individual who walks the path of self discovery, for they shall find they are more than human and more than anything that gender identity can define. Just don’t expect to force the world to change to fit your own individual world view. We all have a perspectives and it is all our right to reject that which does not align with the life we choose to live for ourselves.
Joel, You say that transgender ideology is harmful, but you give no evidence to back it up. You imply that transgender individuals need no protection, but openly mock and show disdain for them, referring to a murdered transgender woman as simply a ‘gender confused man’. You insulted Denise Sudbeck as a stocky man wearing a wig and dress. People like you are the very reason transgender individuals should be recognized. Because it’s the people that buy into your ‘Christian nationalist’ rhetoric that are the ones committing hate crimes against transgender individuals. Hopefully one day your predjudice will fade. For now, “there’s no hate quite like Christian love” as they say.
Sincerely, a Christian who places more emphasis on Christs love than pharisaical dogmas
Sudbeck makes a mockery of women by dressing as one. If he is a stocky man in a dress, why shouldn’t one say so?
If I dress as a pink flamingo and expect you to treat me as one, is it uncharitable for you to tell me the truth, or to describe me as a person in a pink flamingo costume?
Persons who identify as “transgender” dress as persons they are not and physically alter their body parts to appear as persons they are not. Are we wrong to describe them as they are, or must we play along with their gig in order to be Christ like?
Christ, when He encountered persons living lives not in accord with their inherent dignity as made in the image and likeness of God, told them to go and “sin no more.” He didn’t tell Mary Magdalen to keep on prostituting herself. He didn’t leave the man born blind as he was -He healed them and told them to repent of their sins.
If we are to be Christ like, we must begin by treating others with dignity and respect, which always entails speaking the truth in charity.
Mental illness
non binary… no such thing. period. there are males and females. you either failed biology class or you are just plain obtuse.
Clearly you failed biology because there is also a such thing as intersex. When you have XXY chromosomes, are you a male or a female? If you have ovaries but a micropenis, are you a male or a female? What if you have no ovaries but a vagina? While not common, there are thousands of people that are biologically non-binary.
Do those thousands validate the demands of the Denise Sudbecks, Rachel Levines, and Ellen Pages of the world? Must we treat them as members of the opposite sex just because they dress like one, wear a wig, take hormones to grow facial hair, or cut off body parts to match their desire to be something they aren’t?
Yeah, thousands of people out of 8 billion who experience a genetic anomaly. They are NOT transgender. Transgender is a choice arrived at through mental illness or social contagion. The appropriate treatment is not physical mutilation nor is it afiming their delusions.
Do those thousands legitimatize the Denise Sudbecks, Rachel Levines, and Ellen Pages of the world? Must we, on account of some legitimate cases of chromosomal anomalies, accept the delusions of men and women who desire to be the opposite sex, and demand that we treat them as something they are not?
yes. Treat others as You wish to be treated. That’s the only way.
I hope that if I start exhibiting signs of mental illness by insisting on being treated as something I am not, my loved ones will speak the truth to me and help me to see it too, rather than playing along with my delusions.
There can be no true promotion of man’s dignity unless the essential order of his nature is respected.
I sure do enjoy modern feminism.
First they were in battle with man. They have make progress to turn Alpha males into Beta males. Now that they are surrounded by men they can stand, they ran out of enemies and turned their hatred towards themselves. Now the modern feminist wishes to allow men to turn into women as the next step of making men weaker, but at the same time their hatred is bleeding out towards all life in their own pursuit to control reality in any way externally rather than repairing the damage within.
The next step for the modern feminist is to realize having men (pretending to be women) in women’s spaces is a threat to their well being an the next movement will be the pendulum swing back towards sanity.
Perhaps if the modern feminist did the inner work to heal their own trauma, they would not need to spend so much energy to change society in a political way and finally leave us healthy men the hell alone and get on with their sorry stress filled lives.
News flash. If you act like a freak and look like a freak, chances are you will be treated like a freak.
The transgender population is a group of seriously ill people and those who promote this illness are the sickest of all.