
A new statewide survey commissioned by Americans for Prosperity-Alaska (AFP-Alaska) makes it clear that Alaskans oppose new taxes for costly state pension plan proposals or expanded spending on state-funded education.

Public opinion seems to contrast with Democrat-controlled majorities in the Alaska State House and Senate that are pushing bills to expend massive amounts of money on a new defined benefits pension plan for state employees, while growing the education budget to record-high levels.

House Bill 69, sponsored by Sitka Rep. Rebecca Himschoot, would dump an additional $1,800-per student into the state’s funding formula – an unprecedented spending increase. The bill is currently in the seven-member House Education Committee.

The pension plan (Senate Bill 28) is being pushed by Senate Majority Leader Cathy Giessel (R-Anchorage) in the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee.

“These proposals will cost Alaska billions. Alaskans need to ask their lawmakers how they will pay for these costly plans,” Marcum warned.

The survey, conducted by Dittman Research, polled more than 400 Alaskans and highlighted the policy areas of fiscal policy, education and Alaska’s retirement system. It has a ±4.9% error margin.

When asked if they would support introducing a state personal income tax, 65% of Alaskans were opposed or strongly opposed. Nearly 70% of respondents supported requiring that any future statewide sales or personal income tax first be approved by a vote of the people.

Similarly, 58% of respondents opposed paying a personal income tax to provide more funding to school districts. The survey also found that 62% of respondents believe schools operating with low capacity should look to consolidate buildings when transportation impact is minimal.

Furthermore, 62% of respondents were not confident of the state’s ability to properly manage the unfunded fiscal liabilities that a new pension plan would bring.

“Alaskans’ opposition to new taxes poses a problem for state lawmakers who continue to introduce legislation that will increase spending,” noted AFP-Alaska State Director Bethany Marcum. “Alaskans clearly take pride in the competitive tax environment we now have in the Last Frontier.”

Marcum noted that lawmakers are pushing public policy agendas that would wreak financial havoc in Alaska. In particular, she said the idea to massively expand education spending through increasing the state’s per-pupil funding formula (Base Student Allocation) is being proposed without requiring any meaningful improvements to a chronically failing education system. Likewise, the pension plan will put Alaskans on the hook for “decades of unfunded liabilities,” she said.

“These proposals will cost Alaska billions. Alaskans need to ask their lawmakers how they will pay for these costly plans,” Marcum warned. “This survey clearly demonstrates Alaskans’ opposition to new taxes – the legislature should listen to their constituents and stop introducing proposals that will only lead to new taxes.”

Americans for Prosperity – Alaska is a non-partisan grassroots policy group that seeks to advance long-term solutions to the country’s biggest problems. In Alaska, the group opposes new taxes and defined benefits pensions, while supporting a state spending cap, increasing health care options and advancing educational choice for students.

The new survey results can be found HERE.

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Poll: Alaskans oppose tax hikes to flood state pension plan and public schools

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Steve says:

    I don’t care how much money we dump into the education system, nothing will improve the score of the pupils until we get rid to the Teacher’s Union.

  • Pat says:

    The article mentions a personal state income tax, why is a state sales tax not being discussed or considered? A statewide sales tax would allow seasonal visitors and workers an opportunity to support the state and the infrastructure they use. The sales tax can be seasonal and not apply to many of the basic necessities like groceries or rent.

  • Jerry Cogdill Sr says:


  • Dan says: