
Alaska’s judicial system faces two monumental problems that are destroying public confidence in the institution. There is the appearance of judicial misconduct, combined with an apparent effort to cover it up. Given the seriousness of the alleged crimes and how the Alaska Department of Law has failed to address them, a reasonable person can only conclude that these things are being done intentionally with broad support within our state government.

This all began with allegations of crimes committed by a retired state judge named Margaret Murphy. Those allegations date back over 20 years to a court case in McGrath. Some individuals suspect there has been a lengthy attempt by members of the judicial community in Alaska to cover up those alleged crimes.

In 2022, when members of the Alaska Grand Jurors Association (AGJA) protested in front of the Kenai Courthouse, asking for a Grand Jury to investigate these matters, the state was forced to respond.

Eventually, Alaska’s Attorney General, Treg Taylor, appointed a Grand Jury to investigate their allegations.
Unfortunately, the 2022 Grand Jury’s efforts appear to have been intentionally subverted, nullifying its ability to prosecute the crimes it discovered or share its findings with the public. However, one positive result was the adverse reaction it generated within our judiciary and the Alaska Department of Law. This reaction exposed both the court’s alleged coverup of the crimes resulting in Murphy’s indictment and how the Grand Jury system in Alaska has been subverted. You can read about how this was done here and here.

Like a stinking dumpster full of fish slime left too long in the summer sun, the rancid odor of a coverup is starting to emanate from every courtroom in the state.

One thing is obvious: the subpoena and indictment of a retired state judge must have hit a raw nerve within our judiciary, going all the way to the top. While the Kenai Grand Jury was investigating Murphy, the Alaska Supreme Court issued Supreme Court Order 1993, dated December 1, 2022. SCO-1993 effectively neuters all future Grand Jurys by making them subordinate to state prosecutors. There will never be another legitimate independent Grand Jury in our state as long as SCO-1993 remains in effect.

This order effectively amounts to an illegal change to Alaska’s constitution, made without being initiated by the legislature or voted on by the public as required in our state constitution. Yet, nobody in the legislature or executive branch of government has done anything about the court’s action. They seem to have forgotten that our state constitution was intended to protect the rights of citizens and restrict those of government. SCO-1993 does just the opposite and amounts to a judicial coup. The justices of the Alaska Supreme Court should be investigated, and if found to have violated our constitution, they should be impeached by the legislature for their action.

This long trail of crime and coverup was finally brought to the formal attention of the Attorney General’s office in a meeting on February 12, 2025. Concerned citizens from AGJA, along with Mat-Su borough Mayor Edna Devries and Kenai Borough Mayor Peter Micciche, met with the Alaska Department of Law, represented by Deputy Attorney General Cori Mills and Chief Assistant Attorney General Anne Helzer.

Citizens presented the case supporting their allegations of corruption in the Alaska judiciary and the destruction of the Grand Jury system. Although a productive meeting was held, nothing has been done to date by the Department of Law or the governor’s office, nor have they released any public comments on these allegations.

Seward’s Folly reached out to Mills and Helzer for comment, and neither has chosen to reply on the record about these allegations or give an update on whether the Department of Law is acting on them.

Lacking any response from the little fish, it is time for AG Taylor and Governor Dunleavy to take action.

They should realize that the court system operates on trust and the public’s goodwill. Destroying that trust destroys the legitimacy of the judiciary, the one institution of our government most reliant on the public’s belief that they are being treated fairly.

To help restore that trust, Governor Mike Dunleavy should hold a public hearing in Kenai or Soldotna. He should invite the public, bring Attorney General Treg Taylor with him, and listen to the allegations of criminal activity from representatives from the Alaska Grand Jurors Association.

The governor and AG should be prepared to address these significant issues:

— Why were only 12 members of the original Grand Jury empaneled, with no alternates?

— Why wasn’t the missing juror who nullified their findings ever tracked down?

— Did the prosecutor assigned to the Murphy case intentionally sabotage the Grand Jury’s indictment?

— Why won’t Judge Thomas Matthews release the Grand Jury’s report to the public, and what additional incriminating information does it contain?

— Why hasn’t Attorney General Treg Taylor personally looked into these matters?

— Why was the Alaska Supreme Court allowed to change Alaska’s Constitution illegally with SCO 1993?

— How do the AG and Governor plan to restore the independence of the Grand Jury in Alaska?

Like a stinking dumpster full of fish slime left too long in the summer sun, the rancid odor of a coverup is starting to emanate from every courtroom in the state. The stench is heavy in the Alaska Commission on Judicial Conduct offices. It taints the Alaska Supreme Court. You can now catch a faint whiff in the hallways of the Alaska Department of Law, and like a clinging fog, it is drifting toward the Governor’s office.

This odor will not go away on its own. Strong disinfectants are needed to wash away the stench of corruption, or it will only get stronger. Governor Dunleavy, our state’s legal system faces a firestorm destroying its legitimacy. It is time for you to confront this issue head-on. You must hold a public hearing in Kenai to address these issues, followed by appointing an independent commission with subpoena and indictment powers tasked with investigating judicial corruption in our state and deciding how to restore the legitimacy and independence of Alaska’s Grand Jury system.

If the readers agree, please call Governor Dunleavy at 907-465-3500 and request he meet with the Alaska Grand Jurors’ Association team in a public forum on the Kenai Peninsula.

he views expressed here are those of Greg Sarber. Read more Sarber posts at his Seward’s Folly substack.

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OPINION: Is that the stench of corruption or coverup in Alaska’s Judiciary?

Greg Sarber
Greg Sarber is a lifelong Alaskan who spent most of his career working in oilfields on Alaska's North Slope and in several countries overseas. He is now retired and lives with his family in Homer, Alaska. He posts regular articles on Alaskan and political issues on his Substack at


  • Diana says:

    Very, very good article. Keep them coming and continue the investigation of the problems with this judicial system in Alaska.

  • Sally Pollen says:

    Thanks for that informative article Greg Saber. I called the governor’s office but had to leave a message. Did so with my name address etc. What a corrupt mess the current court system is in this state!

  • Davesmaxwell says:


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