OPINION: Pro-lifers, the American constitutions and the Union
For decades now, pro-lifers have prayed for the repeal of Roe v. Wade, with prayers fulfilled through the U.S. Supreme Court's 2022 Dobbs decision. But also fulfilled was that voice inside our popular culture that sometimes jokingly says, “Be careful that
Here’s how Alaskans are celebrating Independence Day
On July 4th, tens of thousands of Alaskans will celebrate the 248th year since the Second Continental Congress officially adopted the Declaration of Independence in 1776 - formally declaring that the American colonies were independent from
Satanists march in Anchorage Pride Parade, proclaiming ‘Satan made me fabulous’
A group of Satanists was among the many political and social activists who were approved by Anchorage Pride Parade organizers to march in the June 29 event through downtown
Alaska sues Biden administration for billions in lost revenue from canceled oil, gas leases
Alaska has filed suit in U.S. Court of Federal Claims to recover lost revenues from nine canceled federal oil and gas leases covering lands on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge’s Coastal
Alaska ‘Education Freedom Rally’ to empower parents for culture war
mid a surge in homeschooling, private education and myriad alternatives to traditional brick-and-mortar public schools, Alaska families are engaged in a fundamental shift in education. To help equip parents and empower this cultural revolution, Americans For
Alaska Airlines, Walmart, new Anchorage mayor and others underwrite LGBTQ sexuality spectacle
The June 29 Anchorage parade of suggestively-clad sexualized drag queens, transgender unicorns, rainbow-draped abortion activists and gender-confused children would not be possible without the backing of major corporate donors, Alaska nonprofits and a litany
OPINION: The beginnings of Alaska-Soviet relations happened in a Sitka living room
The start of Alaska-Soviet relations happened in a Sitka living
Alaska Supreme Court upholds homeschool allotment program, for now
Homeschoolers across Alaska, who use the state-funded correspondence program to access goods and services provided at private and religious schools, can continue doing so after the Alaska Supreme Court rejected a challenge to this
Gov. Dunleavy lauds U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling to curb federal agencies’ ability to interpret law
Governor Mike Dunleavy is lauding the June 28 U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision that curtails the ability of federal agencies to interpret ambiguously worded laws, a move he says will enable Alaska to better fight federal
Alaska Supreme Court grills plaintiffs’ attorney in high stakes homeschool allotment challenge
In a high stakes case to decide the fate of Alaska’s homeschooling allotment program, the Alaska Supreme Court, on June 27, heard arguments for and against the state funded program that allows families to receive reimbursement funds for expenses related to