Feb. 1 event to equip Alaskans to fight cultural attacks on manhood
An upcoming conference in Anchorage is specifically tailored to give Alaskan men the tools they need to combat woke ideology that seeks to undermine and emasculate traditional understandings of
Satanic ‘Christmas’ tree included in Fairbanks Winter Solstice Fest
Adorned with red lights and pro-abortion messaging, a Satanic-themed “Christmas” tree was on full display during one of the most popular family holiday events in Fairbanks this past
OPINION: Humor is a welcome cure in a troubled world
In today’s a socially divided and politically tense world, a touch of humor is a cure for peaceful reconciliation and social justice; a small perfection is in the people’s doable reach rather than a hypothetical perfect World in the uncertain
OPINION: Science fiction of yesterday is becoming reality
Today’s development and attempts to apply Artificial Intelligence (AI) to our daily life and, subsequently, to replace human labor is somewhat a blueprint of Čapek’s 1920s play
Fairbanks pro-lifers invite Christmas carolers to sing outside abortion clinic
“In the Christmas story, hope enters the world through the birth of a child, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Join us as we sing carols and share this Christmas hope where it’s needed most: the abortion facility right here in our
4th grade Kenai homeschooler lights U.S. Capitol Christmas tree
Kenai fourth-grader Rose Burke had the distinguished honor of lighting this year’s Capitol Christmas Tree on the west front lawn of the U.S.
More death, fewer babies and out-migration expected to erode Alaska’s population
Alaska can look forward to far fewer babies and many more older people over the next quarter
This year, this election, this course correction back to common sense is a long-time coming and an answer to the prayers and steadfast calls of the men and women of the Watch. We couldn’t make this project work without your private donations to keep the
BOB BIRD: Realities most worthy to ponder – religion, art, politics
The three things in life most worthy to discuss, analyze, argue and focus our lives around: religion, the arts and politics (We all agreed that sports are an
OPINION: Socialism is the transition to Communism
Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was First Secretary of the Communist Party (Politburo) of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964; and Chairman of the Council of Ministers from 1958 to 1964. In the early 1960s, on various occasions, he formally proclaimed that in 20