In an effort to identify conservative minded candidates, Alaska Family Action has published the results of its candidate survey, which was sent to all candidates. Only three of 20 candidates bothered to respond and take a clear public stand on these
These are bad faith negotiators. At a time when Alaska finds itself starving on many levels, the education system has decided to strike while the iron is hot and take a giant bite out of the apple while the rest of us sit around and watch it being eaten. How
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. Every effort in conjunction with the support of parents should be made to help children feel comfortable in the bodies they were born with. Instead, the counseling network SB90 proposes to legitimize leads children into
In an effort to end discrimination rooted in divisive DEI indoctrination, the U.S. Department of Education has launched EndDEI.Ed.Gov, a public portal for parents, students, teachers, and the broader community to submit reports of discrimination based on race
In an effort address inappropriate student clothing, the Mat-Su School Board is considering a revision to the district’s dress code to specifically ban revealing, racist, sexually suggestive and vulgar clothing and
In what Republican lawmakers are calling an “affront to precedence,” Democratic state legislators in the House have unilaterally moved a massive education spending bill out of committee in order to fast-track its passage. On Feb. 19, the House Democrat
Members of the minority Alaska Senate Republican Caucus say they are open to increasing education funding across the board, including for homeschoolers and charter schools, so long as the Democrat-controlled majority agrees to pass meaningful education
In preparation for a recent Anchorage School District elementary school field trip identified as “Snow School,” parents received “Assumption of Risk and Liability Release” forms from an entity identifying itself as KMTA. Businesses need to protect
While Anchorage School District Superintendent Jharrett Bryantt has spent considerable time publicly complaining about an “ongoing financial crisis” and a $100 million deficit, his proposed budget for the upcoming school year seeks a 20% increase to boost