Dr. Zink-led group backs mandatory sex-ed, expanded health data collection and anti ‘misinformation’ campaign
Dr. Zink-led group backs mandatory sex-ed, expanded health data collection and anti ‘misinformation’

OPINION: Alaskans at all levels of authority have a duty to protect pre-born babies
Interior Right to Life held a Life and Freedom Conference in Fairbanks this past October. The featured speaker, Matthew Trewhella (founder of Missionaries to the Pre-Born) explained how to defend unalienable rights at all levels, including some

ACLU seeks queer/trans activist to reshape conservative Mat-Su
If all goes according to plan the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Alaska will soon launch a concerted campaign to advance the most radical political elements of the LGBTQIA2S+ agenda in the deeply conservative Mat-Su

Anchorage Assembly grants Hamas terrorist defender a special ‘appearance’ to denounce Israel
A man who has already publicly justified the heinous attacks by Hamas terrorists against innocent Israeli civilians will be given a special time slot at the upcoming Dec. 19 Anchorage Assembly meeting in order to deride Israel as an “apartheid” state,

Despite sharp decline in student population, Anchorage Assembly seeks $62M in new school bond debt
While Anchorage has lost more than 6,000 students over the past two decades, the Anchorage Assembly wants area taxpayers to approve a $62-million-dollar bond package to construct, renovate, and plan new school building projects. At the Dec. 19 Assembly

Sullivan & Murkowski join Senate colleagues in decrying UN’s inaction on Hamas’ sexual violence against women
Sullivan & Murkowski join Senate colleagues in decrying UN's inaction on Hamas’ sexual violence against

Divorce/separation is the most common ‘adverse childhood experience’ in Alaska
Divorce/separation is the most common ‘adverse childhood experience’ in

Santa, pony rides and a petting zoo headed to Mat-Su
Santa is headed to Wasilla on Dec. 16 for an annual pre-Christmas celebration at Creekside Plaza (1830 Parks Hwy.) in Wasilla. The event includes a chance to chat with St. Nick, while benefiting the local Food Pantry and Salvation Army. There will also be

Alaska seeks to lower standards for students to be deemed ‘proficient’ in math & reading
With lowered expectations, Alaska's new proposal could classify more students as academically “proficient” without actually raising their overall

OPINION: What role does Hinduism play in Vivek Ramaswamy’s politics?
OPINION: What role does Hinduism play in Vivek Ramaswamy’s