Former criminals have seen the light, received grace and become salt and light.
In a world where many in society have been conditioned to look to government to solve their problems, it is both refreshing and unusual to see an example where individual responsibility and hard work, combined with private industry, a generous heart, and

OPINION: Anchorage Assembly erodes democracy by usurping mayor’s authority
The Assembly continues to say that Mayor Bronson has no authority to create policy and that it is only a function of the legislative branch. This behavior is dangerous and compromises our

ANALYSIS: Alaska economy hindered by corporate tax, large public workforce, excessive debt
Alaska’s economic outlook ranking would not be nearly so rosy if the state implemented a personal income tax or statewide sales tax, as their absence contributes much to ALEC’s

Did you miss Alaska’s ‘Covid & Beyond’ conference? Videos are now online
For those who missed last month’s conference, “Covid & Beyond: The Establishment and you,” videos of all the presentations are now available

Mat-Su School Board looks to fill vacant seat after member resigns
Mat-Su School Board looks to fill vacant seat after member

Gov. Dunleavy appoints Kotzebue Republican to fill vacant State House seat
Gov. Dunleavy appoints Kotzebue Republican to fill vacant State House

UPDATE: Mat-Su reelects conservatives to school board, assembly
Breaking: Mat-Su election

Parent rights advocate implores Mat-Su to turn out for Nov. 8 library book challenge
One of the Mat-Su’s most active and effective conservative activists is calling on parents and concerned community members to turn out for a Nov. 8 book challenge at the Menard Center in

Alaska joins 23-states in supporting parents’ right to pull kids from LGBTQ classes
Alaska Attorney General Treg Taylor has signed onto a 23-state amicus brief in support of Maryland parents who are suing a school district that prohibits them from opting their children out of highly controversial LGBTQ

Will Mat-Su voters defend Alaska’s most conservative outpost?
Will Mat-Su voters defend Alaska’s most conservative