Hundreds of Soldotna residents ‘march for Jesus’ in public affirmation of faith
Hundreds of Soldotna residents took part in a June 4 ‘March for Jesus’ to publicly affirm faith in

Alaska parental rights advocates labeled as ‘hate groups’ by leftist Southern Poverty Law Center
Alaska parental rights advocates are labeled as ‘hate groups’ by the hard leftist Southern Poverty Law

Mat-Su grows ever stronger as Anchorage falters
The Mat-Su Borough’s four-decade-long growth doesn’t look to be waning anytime soon, even as its southern neighbor struggles. According to a June report from the Alaska Dept. of Labor, the Mat-Su is the only area of the state with consistent positive net

‘Hate groups’ gravitate to the cultural left
"Hate speech” only ever seems to apply to the left’s imaginary villains - mostly caricatures of stereo-typical

Alaska law enforcement agencies rebuff rumors of serial killer on the loose
Alaska law enforcement agencies rebuff rumors of serial killer on the

Ketchikan library’s refusal to move teen sex book prompts special city council meeting on June 22
Ketchikan library’s refusal to move teen sex book prompts special city council meeting on June

Why is Juneteenth controversial?
Juneteenth has been commandeered by cultural leftists in an effort to cast America as a continually – and fundamentally – racist nation that has made precious little - if any -

OPINION: Calling AK Grand Jury rights advocates to attend the June 23 arraignment of former judge
At 10 a.m. on June 23, former Alaska Judge Margaret Murphy will be arraigned in the Kenai Courthouse on felony charges. The citizen Kenai Grand Jury which is currently investigating evidence of systemic corruption within Alaska’s judicial system indicted

Mat-Su turns out in force for pro-life race
Hundreds of Mat-Su residents participated in this years 5K for Life on June 17, a fundraiser for the pro-life HeartReach

Mat-Su Health Foundation pushes LGBTQ agenda on conservative Mat-Su
The Mat-Su Health Foundation is funding an effort to push a radical LGBTQ agenda on the conservative