
Hundreds of Mat-Su residents participated in this years 5K for Life on June 17, a fundraiser for HeartReach, a pro-life center that helps women and young parents who may feel unprepared to care for a baby.

The all-ages event included a toddler dash as well as bicycle, running and stroller races, all geared to raising money for pro-life outreach in the Mat-Su.

Racers prepare for the 5K run in support of HeartReach Center on June 17 near Wasilla.

HeartReach Center gives parents options and resources to defend and welcome the life of their unborn child. Launched in 1985, the center provides free professional medical services, parenting workshops, abortion recovery classes, medication that can reverse chemical abortion drugs, and a no-cost market for parents with items such as clothes and baby formula.

To learn more about HeartReach, including volunteer opportunities, click here.

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Mat-Su turns out in force for pro-life race

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Proud Alaskan says:

    The Heart beat of an Innocent child.
    Thank you

  • DoneWithIt says:

    Abortion has been fetishized by the Left.
    The sacrifice of children has been a practice of all cultures and civilizations before the Advent of Christianity, specifically Catholicism.
    Always under the aegis of high minded ideas – rain, good crops, protection from enemies, etc.
    Now it is so women can have a “career and travel “.

  • Friend of Humanity says:

    God bless the humanity-loving people of the Mat-Su Valley. The children are the future and we need to protect our future!