OPINION: The #1 priority of Congress is to defend our border from invasion
While those Southeast waters rapidly subsided, the flood of invaders on the Southern border seems unrelenting. Where is the frantic effort to stem that

Alaska leftists foment ‘conservaphobia’ amid historic red wave
Alaska leftists foment ‘conservaphobia’ amid historic red

BOB BIRD: The political egg on my face tastes delicious
This morning, the GOP finds itself in control of 1) the presidency, 2) the US Senate, 3) the House of Representatives and 4) (gasp!) the supreme court! This has never happened since, what,

RESULTS: Trump wins Alaska, Begich leads Peltola
The following results are the unofficial election-night tabulations released by Alaska’s Division of Elections on Nov. 5. The vote tallies will change over the next few days as absentee, questioned and some early-voting ballots are tabulated. In close

Alaska election limbo: What happens after Nov. 5?
While some unofficial result may provide a strong indication of the eventual winners, contests wherein no candidate achieves more than 50% of the vote will not be known until the state conducts the ranked-choice runoff, which won’t happen for another 15

OPINION: Lake Otis House district voters can help determine fate of unborn Alaskans
Anchorage voters in Alaska House Lake Otis District (12) and Senate Hillside/Centennial Park (F) have a golden opportunity to protect unborn Alaskans from abortion, but they will need to turn out in force to do

What do Alaskans really pay in taxes?
Regarding property taxes, Alaska's two biggest cities, Fairbanks and Anchorage, pay the most - and Soldotna the least. I was relieved to find that Homer's residents pay below-average property

Both Dems and GOP see Begich v. Peltola race as major key to control of Congress
With all 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives up for election, the race between Alaska’s Democratic incumbent Rep. Mary Peltola and Republican Nick Begich is seen as a key to controlling the People’s House for the next two

PAT MARTIN: Minnery’s attack on Eastman and AK Right to Life is misleading, manipulative
Jim Minnery’s slanderous attack on David Eastman, Alaska Right to Life, may bring the relevance of that quote – and several others – into

BOB BIRD: By opposing Rep. Eastman, Minnery has fallen into liberal trap
Minnery falls into the trap that liberals love: the belief that once the supreme court makes a decision, it must be followed. As long as he uses that logic, the liberals will continue to use him, and not David Eastman, to keep the status