Last year, saw a spike in the number of rapes reported at the University of Alaska’s Fairbanks (UAF) campus. According to the school’s mandated annual security report, which was released in October, there were 13 reported rape victims in 2023, with all instances occurring in on-campus student housing. This represents an increase from the nine rapes reported in 2022.
Since 2016, there have been a total of 67 reported rapes (8.4 annually) at UAF, with 61 of those (91%) occurring in on-campus student housing. See data from 2016-2020 here and here.
Over that same period, UAF has reported 23 instances of unwanted sexual fondling, 70% of which occurred in on-campus student housing, along with 60 reported cases of domestic violence, with 41 of those happening in on-campus housing. Stalking has also been a problem, with 80 reports since 2016, and roughly half occurring in dorm rooms.
Total enrollment at the main UAF campus was 5,414 students in the fall of 2023, but not all of these individuals lived on campus where most of the reported sexual crimes occured. According to university policy, all incoming first-year undergraduate students who are enrolled in nine or more credits, and under the age of 21, are required to live on campus.
Students who do not wish to room with someone of the opposite biological sex are no longer guaranteed that option, even if they request it.
“The live-on requirement is a commitment between the undergraduate students and the University of Alaska Fairbanks to enhance students’ experience and success,” the school’s website states. “Living on campus for at least the first year is a significant advantage, students will be part of a community and make connections to other students, faculty and staff.”
On-campus safety, however, has been an mounting problem since the 2015-16 academic year when UAF instituted a new, so-called “gender-inclusive” student housing policy, which now permits biological males to share dorm rooms with females. At that time, the campus also rolled out its gender-neutral bathroom policy, which allows students to use whichever facilities they please.
Since then, the trend toward letting males and females room together has gained steam, both in Alaska and across the nation. The University of Alaska campuses in Anchorage and Southeast have similar policies.
Largely pushed by LGBTQ activist groups, locally and across the country, the movement is billed as a more “inclusive” way to approach campus housing.
At UAF, gender-neutral housing is now the norm in all campus residence halls. It is not specific to particular floors or halls but available to any student who requests it. Likewise, all bathrooms are open to both biological sexes.
Students who do not want to room with someone of the opposite biological sex are no longer guaranteed that option, even if they request it. That’s because UAF now classifies students based on whichever gender identity they choose – not physical biology. For example, if a biological male student claims to identify as a female, the school may assign him a room with a biological female student even if the female requests a fellow female roommate, and not merely a male who “identifies” as such.
The hidden cost of UAF’s gender-bending housing policy may be student safety – especially for biologically female students who are statistically at far greater risk of being sexually victimized.
In the three years prior to instituting gender-neutral dorms, UAF reported dramatically lower instance of rape, fondling and domestic violence. Between 2012 and 2014, the campus reported zero rapes, two instances of fondling and seven cases of domestic violence.
I’d say this LGBTQ+ Crap has proven not safe for women. If I was a woman and was raped I’d bring a law suit against the college for forcing me to live in a dorm and then not have a safe place to stay.
There is no reason for young women in a dorm room to be rated. UAF’s polices were changed to allow this to happen and no women should have to choose college or rape!
What does this spike in rape cases have to do with the LGBTQ+ community? It doesn’t. I think it has more to do with the “Your Body, MY Choice” atitude, which is only going to get worse in Trump’s America.
Because LGBTQWXYZ ideology promises mentally ill men that they will have access to women’s dorm rooms, bathrooms, and other areas where privacy was once guaranteed. THAT poses a threat to women’s bodily autonomy and safety, not the recognition that all men are created equal, and endowed by their their Creator with certain unalienable rights, including the the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Try again.
The imminent threat of a new domination “Your Body, My choice” is a sick joke coined by the same women who want to prostitute themselves on their own terms, maintaining the option to kill and destroy the evidence of their harlotry, no matter what. For years men have been denied any say in whether or not their unborn children live or die, even if the circumstances of the child’s conception were consensual. Women hold all the cards, here. Always have, always will. The real question is: whether they’ll uphold any mores in society whatsoever, or treat men as fools and tools and continue to rot out the ungirding of any civilization: the nuclear family.
BS. You’re an idiot. Read the article again.
I didn’t go to UAF but I did go to a college where my first room was occupied by a woman, a man, and a cat.
I asked the woman to please stop the practice of living with a man while living with me. She laughed.
I moved out into the hall and went to see the President. The President simply asked me to spy on the student body.
I told him that was his job. I was moved to another room but I wrote my parents anyway. I finished the year under great pressure, had a
bad grade to live with for the rest of my life, and never went back. To legalize this is perverse to the same degree as the acts of sex they claim it is their legal right to perform and insist that everyone else like it. I didn’t like it when it was fairly simple and got some change at a personal level. If everyone who comes to UAF went to the President’s office and insisted on change for themselves based on their rights as human beings….and those children told their parents about this arrangement….the students would be pulled…the tuitions would dwindle…etc. My college was bought out by an international organization. It had nothing left to hold on to. I don’t want this to happen to UAF but if women aren’t outraged about rooming with a man who they did not choose to room with and a rape occurs I would have to say they are not thinking and need to go back to high school. If they do go to the President en masse he will be intimidated into doing something or the college will close. Everyone who has brought this insanity about will lose a very good school over absolute nonsense.
So you found no evidence of causation? All you have is correlation and a large assumption. Did you find even a single case where a rape or sexual assault was connected to housing assignment of a transgender person? Did you find a single case connected to gender-neutral restrooms (which really only have a shared sink area)? I assume not, given the lack of any proof in this “jurnalism.”
No claim was made in this article that one caused the other. However, the vast majority of “transgendered” “females” –that is to say, men wearing womanface, are men who are autogynephiles. They prefer to remain intact, not making any changes physically, which means they still like to have sex with women, as a non-perverted man would. It hardly makes sense to house them with actual women. The risk is huge. It is not a “lifechoice” so much as a sexual perversion, which leads to all sorts of malfeasance. The fact that the alphabet people, who define themselves according to sexual behavior, try to suppress this fact makes it clear that the alphabet people have no desire to protect women but prefer to protect perverts. Luckily women have become wise to this garbage and have begun to push back.
“autogynephiles”. New word (and concept) for me, thanks. Tamra, sex (verb) is weird and implausible and embarrassing, but EVERYBODY has their preferences, fantasies, restrictions, norms, discomfort and fears. Those attributes don’t necessarily translate to a threat. The threat you feel is outweighed by reality. Just leave it alone.
“In the three years prior to instituting gender-neutral dorms, UAF reported dramatically lower instance of rape, fondling and domestic violence.”
UAF took out the urinals in the bathrooms, there’s a reason why urinals are installed in public bathrooms. I had to use the restroom at UAF and all of the toilet seats were up, with men, and urine everywhere. Young college girls have to put their makeup on in front of the male gender. They have stalls from the floor to the ceiling; however, there are cracks and you can see someone changing, shower or going to the bathroom. UAF is more concerned about political correctness vs. student safety. UAF should ban the requirement for Freshmen requiring to live on campus because UAF is incompetent to keep students safe with their shared bathroom and dorm room policy. Many parents who have daughters have expressed their concerns about their daughter’s safety attending the University. The Alaska State Legislature needs to pull funding from UAF; until they make student safety a priority.
That’s scary. No, I mean that YOU are scary. BFD if men and women share a bathroom. It’s easy to remedy your complaints and move on. We’re adults here, yes?
It’s a shame you aren’t willing to protect anyone else’s daughters. I guess you don’t have any daughters. I assume you are all in on exposing nakedness since that is what you are suggesting here. Adults acknowledge that sexual perversion is a problem victimizing primarily women, instead of acting as if men never rape women. If you are scared of people who prefer to prevent rape, I suggest you get some help. It remains illegal to expose a naked body where someone of the opposite sex could see them. Or do you advocate breaking that law, too?
I’m glad we did not send our daughter to this school. I did not know it was a requirement for a freshman to live on campus.
OMG The alphabet people are pushing having female and males share a room. Of course there are going to be more RAPES and Trump has nothing to do with this
baloney. He set the example for rape.
No evidence, you mean? You might want to check those court files before making statements that had Stephanopolous pay out $15M.
I successfully defended myself against two attempted rapes with the help of Samuel Colt while a co-ed, but this was in a state and during a time when you could exercise your natural right to self-defense concurrently your codified 2nd Amendment right on campus. These days, not so much.
This article is irresponsible – it implies causation without giving any actual evidence, just a thread of conspiracy “what about” answers to imagined questions. Women deserve better than this. Facts show that transgender individuals are much more likely to be victims of sexual assault than to be the perpetrators. The article also conveniently leaves out the fact that sexual assaults and crimes against women – simply for being female – are up all over. And I would also point out that if there are places that are showing a decrease, dig a little deeper – if there’s going to be no justice, what’s the point in reporting?
Proof: “One in two transgender individuals are sexually abused or assaulted at some point in their lives. Some reports estimate that transgender survivors may experience rates of sexual assault up to 66 percent, often coupled with physical assaults or abuse.”
Sexual Assault: The Numbers | Responding to Transgender … – Office for Victims of Crime (.gov)
“Transgender peple are over four times more likely than cisgender people to experience violent victimization, including rape, sexual assault, and aggravated…” –
Oh, and the final point I wanted to make – if the crime occurs off campus, it would be reported to the local police, not the campus authorities, so to imply that sexual assault in a college town only occurs in dorms really isn’t accurate.
The statement “… if a biological male student claims to identify as a female, the school may assign him a room with a biological female student even if the female requests a fellow female roommate, and not merely a male who ‘identifies’ as such” is patently false. UAF’s policy is to pair roommates of the same biological gender. Students may room with someone of the opposite gender if both parties request that option, and when this happens it is almost always two specific students requesting to room with one another.
Living in MatSu says “UAF took out the urinals in the bathrooms.” This is not true. There are still urinals in many restrooms on campus. They also state, “They have stalls from the floor to the ceiling; however, there are cracks and you can see someone changing, shower or going to the bathroom.” This also is a misstatement. The privacy stalls don’t allow anyone to see in or out.
Living in MatSu mentions “cracks and you can see someone changing, shower or going to the bathroom”. I wonder how he knows this?
I’ve physically been in the new dorm room bathrooms and yes you can see through the cracks in the stalls. The new transgender bathrooms no longer have urinals.
I guess why you were looking through the cracks into the next stall is the real question.
All of the new all gender bathrooms received inspections and they all failed the inspections. UAF needs to transform the all gender restrooms back to male only/ female only restrooms.