UPDATE: Vote to repeal Alaska’s ranked-choice voting is now trailing
According to the latest vote tally by Alaska’s Division of Elections, the ballot measure aimed at repealing ranked-choice voting is now trailing by 192
OPINION: Murkowski’s ‘serious’ test for Trump AG pick strains credulity
When Senator Lisa Murkowski, the woman who famously inherited her Senate seat from her father, dismisses Trump’s latest AG choice as “not a serious nomination,” it’s a masterclass in irony, so rich that it should come with a health
Alaska’s Deep State – A report from the field
The battle against the Deep State didn’t end with Trump’s election; it has only just
11.11 > God Bless the next four years… please.
In the political upset of the century, Donald Trump has retaken the white house, with the US Senate, and unless a suspicious amount of Ranked Choice Ballots come through for Mary Peltola and a few other contested races, the US House. God Bless America that
OPINION: Is it time for Lt. Gov. Dahlstrom to retire?
Florida, with a population of 20 million, called it a night just four hours after polls closed, while Alaska, a state that could fit its entire voter base into a Tampa Bay neighborhood, is still counting. Seriously, how is it that the state with fewer people
OPINION: The #1 priority of Congress is to defend our border from invasion
While those Southeast waters rapidly subsided, the flood of invaders on the Southern border seems unrelenting. Where is the frantic effort to stem that
Alaska leftists foment ‘conservaphobia’ amid historic red wave
Alaska leftists foment ‘conservaphobia’ amid historic red
BOB BIRD: The political egg on my face tastes delicious
This morning, the GOP finds itself in control of 1) the presidency, 2) the US Senate, 3) the House of Representatives and 4) (gasp!) the supreme court! This has never happened since, what,
RESULTS: Trump wins Alaska, Begich leads Peltola
The following results are the unofficial election-night tabulations released by Alaska’s Division of Elections on Nov. 5. The vote tallies will change over the next few days as absentee, questioned and some early-voting ballots are tabulated. In close
Alaska election limbo: What happens after Nov. 5?
While some unofficial result may provide a strong indication of the eventual winners, contests wherein no candidate achieves more than 50% of the vote will not be known until the state conducts the ranked-choice runoff, which won’t happen for another 15