Alaska joins 17 states opposing Biden admin’s rule that would bar Christian foster parents
Alaska AG joins 18 states in opposing Biden admin’s proposal to ban Christian foster

Alaska drag queen ringleaders smear Christians and conservatives who criticize drag for kids
Two of Alaska’s most prominent drag queens recently took to public radio to air their open contempt for Christians, Evangelicals, Republicans and parental rights advocates. Clearly intended to sway public opinion in support of drag performances for young

Churches prepare to welcome religiously unaffiliated visitors for Christmas
Some of the largest religious gatherings in Alaska and across the country typically occur around Christmas when infrequent church goers take time to attend holiday services with friends and family members. Christmas Eve, which is particularly popular across

Homer author won’t be bullied by LGBTQ activist who wants her Christmas book cancelled
Homer resident and aspiring author, Maddy Veldstra, is feeling the ire of cancel culture after she dared to object to the Homer Library’s practice of planting controversial books that promote drag queens and transgenderism in the children’s section of the

SCOTUS to tackle Anchorage-like ban on Christian counseling opposed to LGBTQ dogma
In a move that could undermine an Anchorage law that bans counselors from helping minors reduce or overcome unwanted LGBTQ sexual attractions, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case in which a professional counselor in Colorado is seeking to

Pro-lifers to sing Christmas carols outside Anchorage abortion center
The Anchorage carolers will gather at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 28, on the sidewalk outside the Planned Parenthood clinic located at 4001 Lake Otis Parkway in

Satanic ‘Christmas’ tree included in Fairbanks Winter Solstice Fest
Adorned with red lights and pro-abortion messaging, a Satanic-themed “Christmas” tree was on full display during one of the most popular family holiday events in Fairbanks this past

‘Sleigh Ride’ film features Dominican friars’ quest to bring Christmas to remote Alaskans
Celebrating Christmas Eve Mass, with candle-lit parishes, traditional nativity songs and readings of the arrival of Emanuel, is an ancient practice for over a billion Catholics around the word. Access to this beloved tradition, however, is challenging for

Fairbanks pro-lifers invite Christmas carolers to sing outside abortion clinic
“In the Christmas story, hope enters the world through the birth of a child, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Join us as we sing carols and share this Christmas hope where it’s needed most: the abortion facility right here in our

4th grade Kenai homeschooler lights U.S. Capitol Christmas tree
Kenai fourth-grader Rose Burke had the distinguished honor of lighting this year’s Capitol Christmas Tree on the west front lawn of the U.S.