Assemblyman calls out Mat-Su Health Foundation for ‘taxation without representation’
Mat-Su Borough Assemblyman Rob Yundt in introducing a resolution to highlight what he sees as oppressive operational practices by the Mat-Su Health Foundation (MSHF), an enormously wealthy organization that was originally founded to promote the health and

OPINION: Alaskans must face the elephant – he’s about to destroy everything
We should all understand that the collapse of the USD presents an existential crisis for Alaska, but as long as we are caught up discussing how much of the PFD we ought to get we’re not discussing the fact that a collapse of the dollar will kill the

Fairbanks has until May 7 to vote on $10M tax hike for shrinking public schools
Hard left organizations and the Fairbanks public teachers’ union are pressing residents to approve a $10 million dollar increase in additional borough taxes to benefit Fairbank’s shrinking government-run school

OPINION: What spawned this mad reality of the 21st centery?
The make believe madness of the 21st century has its roots in rejecting the Natural Moral Law. Without it, we can pretend to be whomever we wish, and do whatever we

In surprise move, Alaskan Independence Party elects John Howe to replace chairman Bob Bird
On April 13, a small group of party leaders voted to replace Bird with longtime member John Wayne Howe. The vote occurred during the party’s annual convention in

ANALYSIS: Claiming a ‘right’ to education was disastrous for Alaska and the nation
The public education system is nakedly exposed to influences which conflict with our Republic’s most fundamental values and traditions. Allowing it to remain unaddressed threatens permanent damage to families, the future of our republic, and without them,

Israel/Gaza: A response to Dixie Belcher’s historically-flawed Juneau Empire article
Dixie Belcher’s article titled “Palestinian residents are helpless victims in attacks made by leaders” was published in Juneau Empire on February 26, 2024. It is a perfect and unfortunate example of how historic events and factual truth could be

New video urges Alaskans to fight efforts to block Grand Juries’ from investigating corrupt officials
Alaska Grand Jurors Association has released a new video laying out why the groups believes all Alaskans should oppose efforts by state officials to hinder or block citizen grand juries from investigating corrupt judges and government

WARNING: Anyone can become the victim of a far-left cult
We take comfort in the fact that the influences of cults are far removed from our everyday lives. Nothing could be further from the

Alaska pro-lifers gather at abortion clinic for another 40-day vigil, volunteers needed
Fresh off Anchorage’s first pro-life march last month, advocates for the unborn will soon be gathering outside the state’s largest abortion mill for another 40 days of prayer and public witness for the city’s most vulnerable and