Alaska 40 Days for Life recap: ‘Thank you for praying … for an end to the ‘evil of abortion’
By Mary Kemper – 40 Days for Life coordinator A blessed Holy Week to each of you. Thank you for praying with us during these last 40 Days for an end to the evil of abortion. You who prayed from home provided strong support for those who prayed publicly

School Board Assoc. director dismisses critics who point out Alaska’s dismal student test scores
Lon Garrison, who serves as executive director of the influential Alaska Association of School Boards, recently posted a sharply worded column in which he blasts those who note that dismal standardized test scores are objective evidence that Alaska’s public

Providence ignores Catholic bishops, continues to offer cross-sex drugs to gender-confused Alaskans
While a new document by the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Conference (USCCB) clearly forbids Catholic medical facilities from engaging in “gender transition” surgeries or distributing cross-sex drugs, Alaska’s largest Catholic hospital says it will continue

Anchorage protesters hold vigil against all-ages drag show targeting young kids
BY DR. CINDY SENA-MARTINEZ On March 24, roughly a dozen concerned Anchorage residents peacefully assembled outside Cafecito Bonito restaurant in Anchorage to hold a prayer vigil while an all-ages drag queen show occurred inside the restaurant. The protesters

Attorney general clarifies Alaska law regarding chemical abortion pill
In an effort to clarify exactly where the State of Alaska stands with regard to the chemical abortion pill, mifepristone, the Alaska Department of Law issued a detailed statement on March 17 regarding the legal status of the deadly abortion drug, while

OPINION: Equipping Alaska’s Christians to engage, redeem and build culture
Editor’s note: The following article was written as a joint effort between Greg Schmidt, Frank Johnson and Gretchen Moreland. A few mornings ago, I woke up to a text from a friend who shared the following joke. “A priest, at rabbit and a minister walk

Honoring St. Patrick of Ireland: Fearless defender of Truth
Today, many Alaskans are joining the 31 million Americans who claim some degree of Irish ancestry in celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day, which remains one of the most popular holidays in America. While this day is certainly known for its shamrocks, periodic

Statewide protests oppose Alaska Supreme Court’s restrictions of grand jury rights
Scores of Alaskan protesters braved freezing temperatures and howling winds to gather outside courthouses across the state in protest against recent actions by the Alaska Supreme Court to limit citizen grand juries’ investigative powers. The March 15

Bills aim to protect Alaska PFDs from state spending, while mandating statutory payouts
Rep. Ben Carpenter (R- Nikiski) has introduced two constitutional amendment bills to guarantee that Alaskans are paid a Permanent Fund Dividend in accord with state statute rather than leaving the amount to lawmakers to debate each year. HJR 7 would return

OPINION: Can you ‘be there’ to pray when Alaska’s unborn babies are taken to their death?
By MARY KEMPER – (40 Days for Life organizer) This public prayer vigil outside Planned Parenthood runs through Palm Sunday, April 2. Will you stand and pray in witness one hour per week? Will you invite a friend to join you? Perhaps you can get your