Rep. Vance offers free tickets to action movie based on true-life fight against child trafficking
In an effort to raise awareness about the plague of child trafficking, both in Alaska and across the world, the office of Rep. Sarah Vance (R-Homer) is offering free movie tickets to the new major motion film, “Sound of Freedom.” The feature

Disgraced former Anchorage mayor joins drag queens and ‘sex geeks’ for pride parade
Shortly before the start of Anchorage’s June 24 LGBTQ “Pride Parade,” the disgraced former Mayor Ethan Berkowitz was seen hobnobbing with the parade’s drag queen MC, “Daphne.” The duo clasped hands as the dress-wearing man in heavy make up

Split city council vote lets Ketchikan Library keep graphic teen sex book in youth section
A split, 4-3, city council vote allows the Ketchikan Library to keep a highly graphic teen sex book in the youth section of the

Mat-Su grows ever stronger as Anchorage falters
The Mat-Su Borough’s four-decade-long growth doesn’t look to be waning anytime soon, even as its southern neighbor struggles. According to a June report from the Alaska Dept. of Labor, the Mat-Su is the only area of the state with consistent positive net

‘Hate groups’ gravitate to the cultural left
"Hate speech” only ever seems to apply to the left’s imaginary villains - mostly caricatures of stereo-typical

Ketchikan library’s refusal to move teen sex book prompts special city council meeting on June 22
Ketchikan library’s refusal to move teen sex book prompts special city council meeting on June

Mat-Su Health Foundation pushes LGBTQ agenda on conservative Mat-Su
The Mat-Su Health Foundation is funding an effort to push a radical LGBTQ agenda on the conservative

Mat-Su Health Foundation meeting exposes leftist agenda in a divided organization
Contentious Mat-Su Health Foundation meeting further exposes a growing ideological divide within the

Youth guide to anal sex/porn sparks heated debate at Anchorage library meeting
Youth guide to anal sex/porn sparks heated debate at Anchorage library

OPINION: Mat-Su library board won’t pull youth sex book, but member admits ‘pushing’ it ‘would be grooming’
The May 18 “Objected Material Meeting” book complaint hearing at the Mat-Su Borough Building – between a library patron (myself) and a librarian – concerned the obscenity and misinformation-riddled book “Let’s Talk About It.” It was an