Biden’s attack against a Catholic candle sheds light on a much broader threat
The attack against Christianity, so obvious now for any thoughtful Christian, goes straight through the pro-lifers in Evangelical and Catholic Christianity. We have seen where evangelical ministers have dared to defy this zeitgeist, most notably in Canada and

AK conference equips librarians to thwart parental objections to drag queens and sexualized youth books
Drag queens, gender-fluidity, sex-themed youth books and difficulties with conservative parents were prominent topics at the annual Alaska Library Association’s conference late last month in Fairbanks. Community and school librarians gathered from across

Librarians plot to undermine Mat-Su’s school library book review committee
In the wake of mounting controversy over highly sexualized and extremely graphic books available to children in Mat-Su school libraries, the district is now on the cusp of assembling a parent-heavy book review committee to determine which titles are unfit for

St. Paul’s biblical letter reads like an op-ed on the madness of A.D. 2023
“Censorship! Fascism! You can’t arrest us! We have rights!” Such slogans have now become commonplace. A group of college Republicans or pro-lifers obtain a permit to display either bland images of crosses, with a sign that says, “Each cross represents

Upset Mat-Su parents adamant that schools remove graphic LGBTQ books
Impassioned parents turned out for a March 28 meeting to express anger and frustration with the fact that the Mat-Su School District offers graphic sexual books to children without parental notice or consent. The joint Mat-Su Assembly/School Board meeting

Tucker Tapes put leftist ‘madhouse’ on its heels
Tucker Carlson’s release of the heretofore suppressed footage of the January 6 security video prompts valid speculation. A “Deep State” operation was already suspected on that very day with abundant evidence and, of course, analyzed only in the

Calling all parents: If there was ever a time to support Gov. Dunleavy, it’s now.
Gov Dunleavy’s newly proposed legislation (Senate Bill 96 and House Bill 105) is a long overdue step towards protecting our kids in the public school system and the rights of their parents. In the last several years, the schools have acted as though the

OPINION: How Carbon Credits would work
The state has little involvement in Carbon Credits except to sell a storage area, known as Carbon Sequestration, or sell a CO2 filter, known as Carbon Offsets. These bills are merely a framework to allow us to get started investigating the

Founding member of Covenant House AK details how youth shelter deliberately rejected its faith-based morals
Covenant House Alaska (CHA) was created in early 1987 by the late Anchorage Archbishop Francis T. Hurley of Anchorage and Father Bruce Ritter, a Franciscan priest and President of Covenant House International (CHI). Father Ritter founded Covenant House as a

Emails reveal names, titles of Anchorage educators who support graphic sex books in schools
When a particularly offensive and sexually graphic book lands on the shelf of an Alaska school library, or is included in a district’s collection, outraged parents understandably ask, “Who’s responsible?” In most cases, it is extremely difficult to