How Alaska’s bureaucratic special interests serve entrenched power, not public good
This vicious cycle of special interest control, fueled by political patronage and cyclical funding flows, demands that we scrutinize and, ultimately, reform our system to ensure that it truly serves the public

UPDATE: Missing Nome-bound plane found with deceased crash victims
The U.S. Coast Guard has found the Nome-bound passenger plane that went missing on the morning of Feb. 6. According to a 2:17 p.m., update from the agency on Feb. 7, the Coast Guard “located an aircraft matching the description of the missing plane approx.

OPINON: Alaska’s GOP could take a page from Trump on how to flex political power
There was a short but interesting lesson on the effective use of political power over the weekend. When ICE sent two planeloads of illegal immigrants back to Colombia on Sunday, Gustavo Petro, the President of Colombia, refused to allow the planes to land and

Alaska GOP District 29 calls for ‘permanent sanctions’ against RINO lawmakers
Leaders of the Alaska Republican Party’s District 29 in the Mat-Su have had it with lawmakers who run as Republicans only to abandon the party and what it stands for once

OPINION: The clock is ticking on Alaska’s Republican Party
Alaska GOP leadership has tacitly endorsed the Democrat-led caucuses in the Alaska legislature. The GOP leadership may not recognize it, but this is a crisis point for them. The voters are not going to tolerate a weak and impotent GOP for much

Alaska’s GOP should follow Georgia’s lead and punish disloyal RINOs
The Alaska Republican Party has a big problem. It cannot effectively police its members when they misbehave, so some RINO politicians take advantage of the weakness within the GOP to advance their own interests to the detriment of the

Alaska pastor defends decision to post political signs on church grounds
In the run-up to the November election, Homer had some controversy about the presence of political signs on the property of one of the churches

Sen. Murkowski claims she’d prefer ‘no label’ to ‘Republican’
I’m not attached to a label. I’d rather be that ‘no label’ … and I’m totally good and comfortable with that," Murkowski said. "In fact, I think I’m more comfortable with that identity than an identity as a Republican, as a party

OPINION: Alaska prosperity requires leaner govt., tech-savvy investment, deregulation
Alaska must recognize the regulatory and investment needs in industries tied to emerging technologies, including technology convergence, digital infrastructure, and precision medicine. The state should work proactively with the Trump administration to

OPINION: Murkowski’s ‘serious’ test for Trump AG pick strains credulity
When Senator Lisa Murkowski, the woman who famously inherited her Senate seat from her father, dismisses Trump’s latest AG choice as “not a serious nomination,” it’s a masterclass in irony, so rich that it should come with a health