OPINION: A messenger of peace in a world at war
I found myself facing a large wooden medieval door of a small and noticeably aged Gothic-style church. With some effort, I opened the thick door and slowly walked into the church. There was no one in the sanctuary; it was dark, a slight scent of burnt candles

Mayor’s latest emergency order again treats Anchorage churches as non-essential
Update from editor: While the actual text of Mayor Berkowitz’s latest emergency order makes no mention of churches or religious exemptions, his legal department clarified on July 23 that churches will be allowed to operate under a previous order which

Coronavirus sheds light on our ‘essential’ values
COVID-19 is, among many other things, a conversation starter. It touches nearly every part of life and has shed some unexpected light on what we most value. Here are few observations from the past week. JUNK FOOD & SPIRITUAL SUSTENANCE Last month,

OPINION: Flawed ‘Scenic Trail’ plan will give feds even more control over Alaska lands
The federal designation of a National Scenic Trail in Alaska is a mistake that Alaskans should be deeply concerned about. The federal government still owes us land from our statehood. So, why would we hand over more authority to federal agencies? Giving them

OPINION: Spending bill would let Alaska schools reap what they did not sow
These are bad faith negotiators. At a time when Alaska finds itself starving on many levels, the education system has decided to strike while the iron is hot and take a giant bite out of the apple while the rest of us sit around and watch it being eaten. How

OPINION: Student success hinges on conservative values, parent empowerment
Here is the bottom line: Place a student from a home that values education in a class with an impartial, well-trained and professional teacher who loves and is proficient in his/her subject and enjoys teaching, and learning takes place. Everything else is

OPINION: Mainstream media and RINOs partner with Dems to Alaska’s detriment
A few weeks ago, Fairbanks Daily News Miner Editor Gary Black wrote an opinion piece praising U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski and lauding a group of state Republican legislators for following in her footsteps. In particular, Black appreciated that these lawmakers

OPINION: Defeatist RINOs in Juneau just don’t get it
Several recent articles I wrote must have touched a raw nerve with State Senator Robert Meyers. He wrote an opinion piece in rebuttal. You can read it here. He is evidently upset about my criticism of the defection of seven Republican legislators who joined

OPINION: D.O.G.E. is uncovering the ‘dead souls’ of federal bureaucracy
It remains to be seen what and how many “dead souls” will be uncovered in the coming weeks or months in the dark burrows [of U.S. federal

USAID and the history of U.S. foreign assistance programs
Historically, the United States has provided foreign aid to other countries since 1812; but on a large scale only during and after World War II. The history of the U.S. foreign assistance is marked by several key events, including Lend-Lease during World War