Open letter to Gov. Dunleavy and pro-life Alaska legislators
Open letter to Gov. Dunleavy and pro-life Alaska

OPINION: Israel/Gaza war would end if Hamas surrender & return hostages. Why don’t they?
Over several decades, the Gaza government has been receiving billions of dollars in aid and essential resources from the West to develop their infrastructure. But instead, they invested this capital in building 350 miles of tunnels, obtained thousands of

ANALYSIS: Alaska Lawmakers must protect Grand Juries’ constitutional right to investigate government corruption
Alaska Lawmakers must protect Grand Juries' constitutional right to investigate government

Israel/Gaza and the historic, religious and ethnic challenges of global terrorism
Far-left media notoriously make various historical and statistical errors that lead the public to a divisive conclusion on Israel-Gaza/Hamas wars. The arguments are: (1) Unjust creation of Israel in 1948 provoked conflicts in the Middle East; (2) Foreign aid

Marxist uses Anchorage Assembly appearance to decry Israel’s response to heinous Hamas attacks
A radical Marxist organizer for the Anchorage chapter for the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PLS) took advantage of his special reserved time slot at the Dec. 19 Anchorage Assembly meeting to castigate Israel’s military response to Hamas’ horrific

Divorce/separation is the most common ‘adverse childhood experience’ in Alaska
Divorce/separation is the most common ‘adverse childhood experience’ in

Election commission rejects ranked choice group’s attempt to halt signature gathering efforts of repeal side
Election commission rejects ranked choice group’s attempt to halt signature gathering campaign to repeal

OPINION: Let’s speak frankly about infanticide in Alaska
The act of killing an infant by premeditated murder is called infanticide. Since Roe v Wade, we've heard it called "abortion" or "termination of pregnancy.” Those terms are nothing more than language

Alaska joins 17 states opposing Biden admin’s rule that would bar Christian foster parents
Alaska AG joins 18 states in opposing Biden admin’s proposal to ban Christian foster

ANALYSIS: How we fund Alaska education matters more than how much we spend
Simply increasing the overall budget for education is not sufficient to improve outcomes; it is essential to target effective initiatives and expand access to options that do more with less, such as correspondence schools and charter