NEWS & NOTES: Ways to make a difference in Alaska
The following news briefs and events offer ideas for how Alaskans can make a positive difference for the common good. If you know of events we should include, please email the time, date and brief explanation to editor@alaskawatchman.com. GOVERNOR HOSTING

Defiant D.E.I. activists dig in at University of Alaska
A highly vocal and irate population of faculty, students and staff at the University of Alaska Anchorage campus are livid over a Feb. 21 decision by the University’s Board of Regents, which ordered that all state campuses scrub their websites and other

Alaska’s most independent homeschoolers to hold 39th convention
Alaska’s longest running homeschool organization is holding its 39th annual conference next month in Anchorage.

OPINION: Spending bill would let Alaska schools reap what they did not sow
These are bad faith negotiators. At a time when Alaska finds itself starving on many levels, the education system has decided to strike while the iron is hot and take a giant bite out of the apple while the rest of us sit around and watch it being eaten. How

LETTER: Mental health bill violates Alaska parental rights, feeds transgender industry
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. Every effort in conjunction with the support of parents should be made to help children feel comfortable in the bodies they were born with. Instead, the counseling network SB90 proposes to legitimize leads children into

BOB BIRD: Alaska’s 3 branches of government converge on Road to Anarchy
Let’s play baseball. Get out the rule book. Like most sports, it is packed not only with rules that are macro and fundamental, but also micro and nuanced. Rules change, and are done so by mutual agreement, because experience dictated the necessity. Thus, an

Parents empowered to report DEI violations in local schools
In an effort to end discrimination rooted in divisive DEI indoctrination, the U.S. Department of Education has launched EndDEI.Ed.Gov, a public portal for parents, students, teachers, and the broader community to submit reports of discrimination based on race

Univ. of Alaska faculty & students oppose regents’ order to ditch DEI
Many entrenched professors and campus staff in the University of Alaska system are adamantly opposed to removing DEI programs, which could prove

Rep. Begich prioritizes economy and energy dominance in speech to AK lawmakers
Rep. Begich prioritizes economy, energy dominance and infrastructure in speech to Alaska

WATCH: Dept. of Law attorneys say Alaska Supreme Court undercut grand jury’s ability to expose corrupt officials
WATCH: Dept. of Law attorneys say Alaska Supreme Court undercut grand jury’s ability to expose govt.