OPINION: Cash-poor Anchorage can’t afford more bonding debt
By Rob Yundt & Jodi Taylor Recently, regional banks in the U.S. and one major international bank have either collapsed, are in crisis, or have been rescued by larger banks due to liquidity issues. Given these financial headwinds, this is a great time to

OPINION: Anchorage needs Moore
There is a saying that we get the government we want. If that’s the case, we want a government that is soft on crime, raises our property taxes, raises our rents, keeps pouring more money into our failing schools, and treats homelessness as a virtue rather

OPINION: Alaska must stop handing school districts a blank check without accountability
By Sarah Montalbano – Alaska Policy Forum Total spending per Alaska K-12 student was more than $18,000 in 2020 — 35% more than the national average, and that doesn’t count millions of dollars in COVID-19 relief and some other related funds. That

OPINION: Alaska Needs More Workers
By Quinn Townsend – Alaska Policy Forum Governor Dunleavy recently announced that most state jobs will no longer require a four-year college degree due to workforce needs. He said, “Today people can gain knowledge, skills and abilities through

OPINION: Vilifying truth-tellers in Alaska and beyond
In biblical times, there were Jonah and Jeremiah. In the 19th and 20th century there were John Quincy Adams, Clement Vallandingham, Anthony Comstock, Smedley Butler, Joseph McCarthy and Robert Welch. In more recent years, Joe Scheidler, Randall Terry,

OPINION: Why is Lady Justice’s blindfold slipping in Alaska?
We all want our judges to be honest, fair, intelligent and experienced persons who uphold the constitution and the law without bias. Although some individual judges in our state meet this description, why are an increasing number of Alaskans concerned about

OPINION: Can you ‘be there’ to pray when Alaska’s unborn babies are taken to their death?
By MARY KEMPER – (40 Days for Life organizer) This public prayer vigil outside Planned Parenthood runs through Palm Sunday, April 2. Will you stand and pray in witness one hour per week? Will you invite a friend to join you? Perhaps you can get your

OPINION: Mat-Su must resist organized leftist plot to rewrite its rich history
You might have thought that recalling three Palmer City Council members last year would dampen the Democratic leftist, socialist ideology being pushed in some influential circles around the Mat-Su. But these four council members (including one who lost her

OPINION: Alaska joins 20 states in condemning FBI’s animus against traditional Christians
Alaska’s Attorney General Treg Taylor has signed onto a 20-state letter demanding that the FBI reveal the details regarding a recently leaked “anti-Catholic” memo alleging that traditional, conservative Catholics are somehow a threat to

OPINION: Alaska Covid Alliance unpacks truth & lies in the ongoing C-19 saga
The Covid saga continues, evan as we are told by President Biden that the pandemic will be over as of May 11, 2023. Having a set date in the future will make good on Biden’s commitment to give at least 60 days’ notice to the healthcare system prior to