ANALYSIS: Poor scholarship & woke dogma plague Dr. Smith’s talk at Juneau’s Egan Library
Ethnic minorities, religious refugees, and other groups segregated by a dominant society have developed and implemented strategies and tactics intended to protect their national identity, religious practices, ancient traditions, and community

Pagan America: The coming dark age
In this first long-form podcast, we unpack the recently released book by once and once again Alaskan author John Davidson, Pagan America: The decline of Christianity and the dark age to come. John is the brother of our tireless editor-in-chief and a senior

Q&A: U.S. House candidate Nick Begich on abortion, Murkowski, Trump, guns, parent rights, border crisis and more
Q&A: U.S. House candidate Nick Begich on abortion, Murkowski, Trump, guns, parent rights, border crisis and

Endangered Outdoorsmen: Fewer Alaskans buy fishing and hunting licenses
While Alaskans may have a reputation for landing salmon and shooting moose, caribou and bear, the percentage and overall number who purchased resident fishing, hunting or trapping licenses in is markedly lower than it was just 10 years

OPINION: Texas & Alaska: Unilateral v. Peaceful Secession – Part 2
A state can do anything it wants that is not specifically prohibited. Thus, while the scholars pretend that the Constitution is silent on secession, they want to ignore the very part of the Constitution wherein the right is actually

Record low 17% of H.S. grads were eligible for Alaska performance scholarship in 2023
The percentage of Alaska high school graduates who can meet the basic minimum requirements to obtain an Alaska Performance Scholarship hit a new record low in

Anchorage’s de-population bomb continues to exacerbate critical workforce shortage
“Help Wanted” signs will likely remain a fixture for many Anchorage businesses in the coming years, as a declining and rapidly aging population further exacerbates the lack of potential

ANALYSIS: How we fund Alaska education matters more than how much we spend
Simply increasing the overall budget for education is not sufficient to improve outcomes; it is essential to target effective initiatives and expand access to options that do more with less, such as correspondence schools and charter

Former criminals have seen the light, received grace and become salt and light.
In a world where many in society have been conditioned to look to government to solve their problems, it is both refreshing and unusual to see an example where individual responsibility and hard work, combined with private industry, a generous heart, and

ANALYSIS: Alaska economy hindered by corporate tax, large public workforce, excessive debt
Alaska’s economic outlook ranking would not be nearly so rosy if the state implemented a personal income tax or statewide sales tax, as their absence contributes much to ALEC’s