Take caution, yes, but don’t trample religious liberty amid a pandemic
Last month, the mayor of Louisville, Kentucky, banned all religious services as part of the effort to limit the spread of COVID-19. The ban applied to a drive-in service planned by the On Fire Christian Center on Easter Sunday. On Holy Saturday, Federal

NEWS & NOTES: Ways to make a difference in Alaska
The following news briefs and events offer ideas for how Alaskans can make a positive difference for the common good. If you know of events we should include, please email the time, date and brief explanation to editor@alaskawatchman.com. GOVERNOR HOSTING

Alaskans must actively resist the ‘unrelenting assault’ on traditional values
Last month U.S. Attorney General William Barr spoke at the University of Notre Dame Law School, sharing his thoughts about religious liberty in present-day America. Among the many striking statements in Barr’s speech were the following: religious liberty is