OPINION: Alaskans must face the elephant – he’s about to destroy everything
We should all understand that the collapse of the USD presents an existential crisis for Alaska, but as long as we are caught up discussing how much of the PFD we ought to get we’re not discussing the fact that a collapse of the dollar will kill the
Who are Alaska’s Good Guys & Bad Guys when it comes to a full PFD?
Let’s get it right this time in dealing with the Alaska Permanent Fund and its Dividend. First the calculation that worked for over 30 years was earnings based. In other words, how much did the Fund earn over the last five years, less the inflation
Let Alaskans begin the great PFD debate in earnest
Gov. Mike Dunleavy is right, “We need the full dividend to stabilize the Alaska economy.” When the late Gov. Jay Hammond appointed the Investment Advisory Committee, he assigned us an interesting task. “Figure out how to use the billions that we will