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Angle on news pic

Our Angle on the News

Most journalists I’ve met like to believe they are objective and balanced in reporting all the news fit to print. This mindset is so deeply ingrained and fiercely protected that reporters just take it for granted — of course they’re objective. In
Introduction editorial

Welcome to the Alaska Watchman

This project is born of many prayers, careful reflection and late-night discussions. It’s now time to begin in earnest. As most of you know, we live in a world of rapid political and cultural unrest. Alaska is no exception. Even the most fundamental beliefs
Post Card pic

It’s time to reclaim some of our pre-Y2K life

I came across a blank postcard the other day, turned it over a few times, and resolved to do something for the first time in many years. It’s no big deal. I used to send these to friends and relatives regularly. It seems like just yesterday. Then again,
Were we stand

Where we stand: Our mission, vision and structure

Alaska Watchman is an independent news agency dedicated to providing accurate and extensive coverage of issues concerning religious freedom and speech, pro-life issues, family life and parental rights, homosexuality and LGBT issues, education and culture. Our