
Holding lantern pic

This past Friday marked one year since we took a leap of faith and launched the Alaska Watchman.

Since the moment our website went live, it has been a whirlwind year.

We expected to have our hands full reporting on the growing threats to the moral foundations of our common life here in Alaska, but we had no idea that our first year would also include COVID-19, street protests and egregious violations of civil and religious liberties.

As our lantern logo indicates, the purpose of the Watchman is to be a light in the darkness, to expose those forces which seek to abandon and marginalize the historic Judeo-Christian foundations on which this country was established.

Over the past 12 months we have published more than 700 articles, videos and opinion pieces with the aim of clarifying why and how the culture is changing and what Alaskans can do to ensure that our most cherished values are not banished from the public square.

We’ve covered local school boards that want to indoctrinate our children with radical ideologies, city councils that see little value in First Amendment rights or religious liberties, threats to unborn life and parental rights and the flawed process by which the state chooses judges – a system that virtually guarantees conservatives are never on the bench.

The list of issues Alaskans face is truly daunting, but amid the battle, local heroes have emerged. We’ve highlighted these courageous men and women who have taken a stand for their families, children, and communities.

It is encouraging now to see a growing number of readers respond to our news reports and take action for the greater good. Our hope is to be around for many years to come.

If you value the ongoing work of the Watchman, please consider becoming one of our monthly donors. This project simply doesn’t exist this without reader support.

As we begin our second year, we look forward to serving Alaskans by piercing the darkness with light, truth and hope.

Click here to support the Alaska Watchman.

One year of being on watch for Alaska

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Ross Thompson says:

    Do you accept articles regarding initiatives such as Vote Yes on 1? This is the most important issue and Alaskans should receive information from both sides to make an informed decision on November 3rd, 2020. Big Oil has spent over $15 million and Vote 1 has spent less than $1 million. On advertisement. Please let me know.

  • Romy Byrd says:

    Thank you!