Anchorage residents who aim to run for mayor or school board can officially file for office on Friday, Jan. 15.
The April 6 election will include the selection of a new mayor, four school board members and various Service Area Board of Supervisor seats. Candidates can file anytime from 8 a.m. on Jan. 15 until 5 p.m. on Jan. 29. Filing forms are available at muni.org/elections. Forms are also available at the Election Center (619 E. Ship Creek Avenue, Door D), and at the Municipal Clerk’s Office at City Hall (632 West 6th Ave., Suite 250).
On January 14, at 1 p.m., the public is invited to witness the random drawing of letters of the alphabet by the municipal clerk. This drawing will determine the order the candidates’ names will appear on the 2021 ballot. The drawing will occur at the Election Center. Face masks are required.
Until Jan. 29, candidates may file at the Election Center, or make an appointment to file at the Clerk’s Office by calling (907) 243-VOTE (8683). Candidates may also return their filing paperwork by email to elections@anchorageak.gov or fax ((907) 343-4313). Municipal offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 18 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
The April 6 election is a mail-in election. Voters will be mailed a ballot package 21 days before election day. Voters can then mark their choices, sign the voter declaration, and return their ballot by placing it in one of 18 drop boxes, bringing it to one of three vote centers, or sending it through U.S. Mail with first-class postage.
For more information contact Municipal Clerk Barbara Jones at (907) 243-8683 or Deputy Clerk Erika McConnell at (907) 343-4320 or erika.mcconnell@anchorageak.gov.