Rep. Christopher Kurka (R-Wasilla) gave a blistering speech against the Alaska House rules requiring all members to wear facemasks while in the Capitol Building.
Kurka’s March 15 address on the House floor called the protocols “little more than a thinly veiled power play,” which is rife with double standards and inconsistent application.
Following his delivery, Kurka removed his mask while drinking from a glass of water. House Speaker Louise Stutes (R-Kodiak) told him to leave the House Chambers.
Kurka gathering his things and walked out.
Below is the text of his speech, titled, “Reason and Science.”
As you know, Madam Speaker, there has been something of a flap around here concerning the Legislative Council’s COVID measures, not least of which is the mask mandate in this building.
We all, understandably, have legitimate concerns about the threat of COVID-19, and we all have a stake in ensuring the safety of our colleagues and co-workers. But I can’t escape the ineluctable conclusion that much of the activity masquerading under the guise of safety in this building is little more than a thinly veiled power play.
The other body, for instance, has actually disregarded some of the protocols to fit their desires – they are now allowed to stand and take off their masks while they speak.

I have personally witnessed members of leadership in both bodies violating safety protocols when they didn’t think the cameras were rolling. Key words – DIDN’T THINK the cameras were rolling.
There is, however, ample photographic and video evidence of these flagrant violations.
To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Your actions speak so loudly, I cannot hear what you are saying.”
One is left to conclude that there is among us, either – (1) a reckless disregard for the well-being of our fellow man, which I don’t believe; or (2) that my skepticism regarding the efficacy of these protocols is very widespread, even among leadership.
As a consequence, one is left to wonder whether the disciplinary actions meted out have more to do with one having “wrong opinions” than with the violation of safety protocols.
Protocols, mind you, that the Centers for Disease Control, and National Institutes of Health, may be openly pushing, but protocols for which they themselves have provided contradictory scientific evidence on their own web pages.
On multiple occasions I have also witnessed members nearly fainting on the stairs as they gasp for oxygen behind their masks. One member had to lie flat in their office for 15 minutes just to avoid blacking out.
My body, my choice, right?
It is simply unreasonable and lacking in compassion and common sense to foist these measures that are for many members a health risk to them.
My body, my choice, right?
The constitution guarantees the right of the people to petition for a redress of their grievances, yet our constituents are told they can’t enter the capitol. This last weekend Alaskans traveled all the way to Juneau from the Mat-Su and interior regions to pray for legislators, only to be turned away.
Yet government officials can come and go at will, so long as they’re lobbying for money we don’t have, or peddling nostrums we don’t need.
I’m left to wonder … if we didn’t have double standards, would we have any at all?
It’s time to acknowledge that there is no sure-fire way to stop, or even control this virus, beyond what we have already done. It’s time to tell the truth that scientists and medical experts don’t agree on the right course of action. It is time to look facts squarely in the eye and reckon with them.
The vast majority of us who work in this building have either: Already had the virus; or been vaccinated against it.
Jurisdictions that have imposed strict measures are no better off than those that imposed none.
Most of us in this body wear cloth masks. The Centers for Disease Control, while inexplicably encouraging the use of cloth masks, cites one controlled randomized study, which they say is the only one that exists on this issue. The problem is, the study they cite actually says cloth masks not only don’t offer protection, they could actually increase the risk of infection.
It is a study conducted on and for medical workers, but one wonders how these findings wouldn’t translate into common life.
Some notable quotes from the study: The study actually cautions “against the use of cloth masks.”
What are we doing to each other?
“Moisture retention, reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection.”
“Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97%.”
“. . . as a precautionary measure, cloth masks should not be recommended . . .”
Another study of 19 randomized controlled trials published by the National Institutes of Health concluded: “Respirators (or N95 masks), if worn continually during a shift, were effective but not if worn intermittently. Medical masks were not effective, and cloth masks even less effective.”
While there was a SUGGESTION that there may be some protection for the healthy … if the sick mask up … SUGGESTIONS are not the language of science.
What are we doing to each other?
Intolerance is a vice. Coercion is evil. Duplicity is repulsive. Control is an illusion.
Virtue is harder, but it is also noble. Tolerance, courage, discipline, magnanimity, and above all charity. These should be the rules that govern our common life.
It’s time to stop the fear mongering. It’s time to respect one another.
Why can’t we give each other space? Why can’t we take responsibility for ourselves? Why can’t we just treat others the way we’d like to be treated?
Let’s end the charade.
COVID-19 is here to stay. No measures we take are going to stop it, no matter how repressive, coercive, or un-Constitutional.
As the Holy Scriptures remind us: “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
It’s time to let reason and science prevail. It’s time to stop the fear mongering. It’s time to respect one another. And let’s get on with the business of Alaska. Our constituents deserve no less.
Thank you, Madam Speaker!
Thank you! It is long past time for reason to prevail. If we support Representative Kurka, Senator Reinbold and other bold legislators who are challenging the oppressive and often unconstitutional COVID mandates by also standing up and refusing to wear these symbols of government overreach, perhaps we can achieve critical mass and get these mandates rescinded. Bravo Mr Kurka!
Rep. Christopher Kurka , What a breath of fresh AIR you are! Stand your/our ground on common sense ! You Known there was a Book called “COMMON SENSE” By Thomas Paine Please review and quote from it whenever you can ! God Bless America
YES!!!!! Thank Representative Kurka from making a courageous stand against provocateurs from the left purposely stirring up the turmoil in the legislature. Stand firm along with Senator Reingold and others. The federal government has overreached and we still have the Tenth Amendment for the state legislators to take a stand for Alaska just as in other states such as Florida, Texas, South Dakota and more. The feds need to get their noses out of Alaska’s business. Fairbanks
By the way, who is booting the legislators out of the chamber violating their First Amendment rights of free speech. This treatment of Senator Reingold and Representative Kurka is unlawful.
Representative Kurka, Stand fast. Your speech says it better than any I have heard yet through out this frustrating blindness we see. It needed to be said to those who are in a position of influence and power in our state before it is too late to resuscitate our dying freedoms and economy.
Thank you Representative Kurka, for having the courage to stand up and speak out on this issue and for supporting the Constitutional Rights of All Alaskans!
God bless Kurka!
Well argued Rep. Kurka! You are a lover of liberty, unlike the hypocrite Stutes, and the other destiTutes.
Senator candidate?
Gotta be better than the squish Sullivan or the commie Lisa.
Well done Kurka!!! It’s time to do it, especially while our children are watching. No more.
God Bless Mr. KURKA!
Amen to all!
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Y’know, I really can’t think of a better replacement for Doddering Don Young than this gentleman right now.
Great idea!
I’d rather “doddering Don” than “Che is cool Lisa”.
My stepdaughter has a bacterial lung infection from wearing a mask at school all day I know you say that you care about our kids I call b*******
Good for you
No mask wearing for me
Stop the madness
Very well spoken Mr. Kurka! This needs to go viral. Mr. Kurka has spoken truth and science. The virtue-signaling charade must end.
Mr. Kurka
Terrific !! Never mind Don Young’s replacement — How about Lisa Murkowski’s replacement – she is a sorrowful example of
a legislator and a turncoat of the first order!!! Mr. Kurka, youhave my vote !!!!
Great Idea!
Be aware that the Democrats are Marxists and as such their mission is to create chaos and stall so that the state legislatures that are conservative get nothing done of significance. Point out and make public the instigators and they will be found to be the Marxists locally and statewide. The legislators need to work on tightening up the election process so that we don’t have more votes than people to go with them as shown on Judicial Watch.
Glad someone else is waking up to the SCAMdemic and saying “no more”. We’re done with the “6 foot social distancing” that is required so people are evenly spaced apart so that facial recognition software works. We’re tired of “basement joe” Dunlevy hiding out in the mansion’s basement, insisting that everyone get the vaccine shots, when they are considered experimental; therefore no pay-out if you die from complications or side-effects of the vaccine. A vaccine that is proven not even 50% effective, might require yearly booster shots for a the FLU that only kills less than 2% of the population and requires a swab up your nose or your ass to test if you even have it. To you mask wearing scardy-cats: grow a pair. quit spreading fear and quit being submissive to what the crooks in DC want. You’re an American, ACT LIKE IT.
I wrote Louise Stutes, who denies she asked Rep Kurka to leave. She says I should educate myself. Rep Kurka wrote a great letter!