To ensure fairness for Alaska’s female athletes, a bill was introduced in the State Senate on May 13 by Sen. Shelley Hughes (R-Palmer).
The bill would change Alaska law to limit women’s athletic programs to biological females. Alaska is one of more than 30 states now considering such legislation. Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee have already passed these types of laws.
Senate Bill 140 clarifies that “sex” means “biological sex” and the measure requires that all schools designate each of its athletic teams or sports as either being for males, females or coeducational.
“A student who participates in an athletic team or sport designated female, women, or girls must be female, based on the participant’s biological sex,” the bill states. “
The legislation would also prohibit any accrediting or athletic association or school district from taking “adverse action against a school or school district for complying” with the law.
On the other hand, a student, school or school district that is “deprived of an athletic opportunity or suffers direct or indirect harm” resulting from a violation of the proposed law “may bring a private cause of action for injunctive relief, damages, and any other relief available under law against the violating school.”
Additionally, the bill protects students and employees who report violations of the law.
Under current Alaska practice, the Alaska School Activities Association allows biological males to compete against females in state high school championship events. Several school districts, including Anchorage and Fairbanks also allow males who identify as females to participate in girls sports. Senate Bill 140 would prohibit this.
Jim Minnery, president of the Alaska Family Council praised the bill for pushing back against an “anti-scientific ideology that pretends that there are no biological differences between men and women.”
This philosophy, he said, ignores the fact that male athletes “generally have larger hearts and lungs, denser bones, and stronger muscles. It’s precisely for that reason that unique women’s sports programs were created in the first place, to create equal opportunities for women to have fair athletic competitions.”
The bill has been referred to the Senate Education Committee.
Thank you, now please pass this law
God created
Man and Women
End of story
Does this bill leave an open door for litigation ?
Good question….. maybe? Likely, as it seems we have become so litigious as a culture that every thing is up for lawsuit.
Little one as playing at the playground when one of the little boys shared with the group he is Gay. When I was told later about it, i make mention to my little one the 7 year old boy is too young to be understanding sexuality. Somethings that were terrible happened to him during his younger years or he gone through extreme trauma, abuse, or dysfunctional foster care families, or his parent continually put him down and telling him he is Gay, so he believed it like an impressionable child would do. He struggles with himself, so he takes up the one Identity he thinks will make him more acceptable to those around him or explain his adult issues to himself from a child’s point of view.
When I had casually looked over the group before being reported that information I observed none of the children smiled, they drifted between activities so they had no direction and no positive social skills, and they were no fun which is what prompted me going over to my little one telling them its time to go cause they looked bored compared to how much more fun the earlier first two groups were before the third sad group arrived.
If you don’t fit into the groups here, you feel like a misfit, its easy to say its because of you must be this identity. Instead of you addressing the root causes why do feel you don’t fit in? Why do you feel not accepted?
Just as Edmee with Bevelyn Beatty and In the Well Ministries said to her best friend after going to her pro gay church, ‘we are all born in sin.’ So these people using the arguement you were born this way. You are right! You were born in sin, and homosexuality is strongest in you. Only through Christ can you overcome it.
Thank you Jen for sharing that. It really is tragic and we need keep those suffering in this way in prayer. We indeed are all sinners. We all fall short of Gods glory and He sees all sin simply as sin. The world, being separated from him, suffers so much. Jesus though can heal the most egregious sin ‘injuries’. Pray for awakening to His truth and that healing power. Prayer also for protection for your little ones as you raise them.
Thank you Senator Shelley Hughes! You are most awesome and we are blessed to have you in leadership! A breath of common sense!
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