
The newly formed chapter of BLEXIT, which is part of a national conservative movement to educate and empower minorities across America, is hosting a social gathering on Saturday, Aug. 21, from 4-6 p.m.

The gathering, which takes place at the Harley Davidson shop (4334 Spenard Rd.) will include a cookout social and discussion on the current state of local schools. Specifically, the group will explore ways to impact the local school board.

According to the national BLEXIT website, the organization looks to instill an appreciation of “our great country by highlighting the principles of the United States and the importance of self-reliance.” The group takes a keen interest in criminal justice reform, building and supporting strong minority families and upholding the value of life and the “sanctity of every individual.” The national movement was founded by Candace Owens and Brandon Tatum based on a shared desire to build a better future for America.

Click here to watch a short video about the local BLEXIT chapter in Alaska.

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Alaska BLEXIT social will focus on how to impact school boards

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Proud Alaskan says:

    Yes let’s get God back in are schools
    But with all this woke bull crap, masks and who knows what else.
    We probably just need to take are kids out of these schools