Radical abortion activists have postponed their Oct. 2 march through the streets of Juneau to Monday, Oct. 4.
A notice from the Juneau Pro-Choice Coalition states that “inclement weather” is the reason for moving the event to Monday. Pro-life groups, however, have organized several counter protests to pro-abortion rallies taking place around the state on Oct. 2.
On Oct. 4, Juneau protesters will wave Texas flags and demand the right to kill unborn babies. The Juneau Woman’s March on Reproductive Rights is part of a national campaign to put pressure on Texas for passing a new law that bans most abortions after six weeks. Abortionists in Alaska and across the country see the Texas law as a national threat to legal abortion, especially if other states are inspired to follow suit.
The U.S. Supreme Court declined to put a stay on the Texas law as it works its way through lower court challenges.
The Texas law has been praised by many pro-life advocates as the strongest pro-life measure to take effect since abortion became the law of the land in 1973. It bans abortion if an unborn baby’s heartbeat can be detected, which is typically around six weeks. A uniquely designed law, it delegates enforcement to private citizens by empowering them to sue anyone, other than the mother, who is involved in an abortion of a baby with a detectable heartbeat. Violators can be forced to pay fines of up to $10,000.
“From local abortion bans being passed in states like Texas and Mississippi, to the highest court in our land refusing to defend our constitutional rights – we are witnessing the most direct and dire threats to our reproductive health in our lifetimes,” a notice for the Juneau march states.
The Oct. 4 Juneau pro-abortion march will start at 5 p.m. at Court Plaza (4th and Main St.).
A notice from the Juneau Pro-Choice Coalition states that “inclement weather” is the reason for moving the event to Monday. Pro-life groups, however, have organized several counter protests to pro-abortion rallies taking place around the state on Oct. 2.
The weather right,
there just Afraid of the number, of people who will be showing up to protest against them and supporting prolife
They need more time to fly in their “grass roots” protestors from out of state.
There was some kind of protest or rally going on in Palmer today but I was driving and could not read the signs. I did see the word ‘abortion’ on one sign but not the rest of the sign. There were two or three groups gathered at different places downtown. Anyone know what that was?
Instead of the signs saying “keep abortion legal” and “protect abortion” why dont they just call it for what it is, “keep murder legal” and “protect murder”. Abortion activists, ha! “murder activists”. Sickening.
Rowe v Wade knocked out previous decisions like allowing punitive fees for refusal to be vaccinated “for the public good.” Now the standard is “My body? My Choice”. So that’s good.
For those of us who are pro-life (as opposed to the knee-jerk “pro-choice bad” crowd) the parallels between pro-choicers and anti-vaxxers/anti-maskers are obvious.
In both cases one chooses to endanger or kill others.