On Tuesday, Nov. 2, Mat-Su residents will vote for a new mayor as well as borough assembly and school board members.
In the lead up to the election, Alaska Gun Rights has published the results of a survey of Mat-Su candidates running for Borough Assembly and mayor.
The survey focuses exclusively on a controversial ordinance that increased regulations on outdoor shooting ranges in the Mat-Su. Passed in 2020, the ordinance drew strong resistance from gun rights advocates who warned that the extensive permitting process, which includes filing fees, site plans, civil engineering certifications and environmental stewardship strategies, will result in future gun range applications being denied and thereby restricting residents’ ability to train with and use firearms.
Opponents also expressed concern about the long-term viability of ranges deemed non-compliant with overly burdensome restrictions. Supporters, however, argued that regulations were needed to keep shooting ranges from cropping up near existing residential homes.
The candidate survey from Alaska Gun Rights asks candidates one question: “Will you support the repeal of anti-gun range ordinances?”
Vote Edna Devries!!
GO EDNA! Did not see District 4. Jubilee Underwood or Jennifer Walther?
We don’t need further restrictions when planning and zoning already does those things. It is redundant and encroachment by the government. Repeal it.
I had no idea we even had this ordinance! And whom is supposedly enforcing? In our area everyone shoots and there are least two or three private ‘ranges’ at residences within a 1/4 mile of us. I have lived in same house 30 plus years and no one has yet died, or even been injured by recreational shooting. The moose range has a few places that are safe to shoot as long as one is being responsible. I just wish people would haul out their trash and maybe stop shooting by about 11 pm or so.
What were there answers
There is a blue click link above.
There is a link to the survey at bottom of article.
Beck is a sheep in wolf’s clothing – he is a flaming Leftie.
Get your neighbors out to vote – we don’t want to be another Fairbanks – where the Lefties have taken control – despite the body politik being traditional God, Flag, and Family.
“Refused to answer” is on-par with “I support anti-gun legislation”. Pretty much closet communist. Do not vote for them. Beck shot himself in the foot when asked about “global warming”.