The repeal of the anti-gun range red-tape ordinance is on the agenda for Tuesday’s Mat-Su Borough Assembly meeting, and the Assembly members need to hear from you!

It’s time to stand up and make your voices heard in defense of your right to keep and bear arms!
Show up at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, March 15, at 350 E. Dahlia Ave., Palmer, AK 99645, and offer your testimony in support of the repeal when it is time on the agenda.
If you can’t make it in person, call in at 855-225-2326, and offer your testimony over the phone.
When the mayor announces audience participation or a public hearing item you would like to speak to, press *3. You will hear, “Your hand has been raised.” When it is your turn to testify you will hear: “Your line has been unmuted.” State your name for the record, spell your last name, and provide your testimony.
We need more gun ranges built to increase the safe handling and training of future hunters, marksmen and firearm enthusiasts. Not less.
When we repeal the red-tape range restrictions at the borough level, one of many hurdles that gun ranges have to jump through to become a reality will be removed.
Repealing this red tape will also protect the existing gun ranges from being strangled out of existence in the future!
Demand that MSB 17.68 be entirely repealed. No amendments. Total repeal.
You can make a difference in reclaiming rights that should never have been lost to begin with.
This is a significant step towards reclaiming your rights and the repeal of the Anti-gun Range Red-Tape ordinance.
Politicians are on notice, and we won’t stand idly by while they try and steal our rights!
Make your voice heard on Tuesday – show up, and protect your right to keep, bear and shoot your guns here in the Mat-Su!
And bring your range buddies with you on Tuesday night!
The views expressed here are those of the author.
— Click here to call or email members of the Mat-Su Borough Assembly.
Locked and loaded
I was limp before I read your manly post.
Is this repeal going to give a green light to the carnival brothers to open their proposed machine gun range near the Mat-Su hospital and across the Glenn Highway from the new Mat-Su Visitor and Convention Center? Because if so, no thanks. There are appropriate places for gun ranges, and there are inappropriate places for gun ranges.
I couldn’t agree more
No. I don’t support more gun ranges in my back yard – they do NOT need to be located so closely to our homes, just bucking away all day. Nothing crappier than gunshots all day – I support the right to keep and bear arms, not gun ranges all nimbly pimbly.
I’m a very upright supporter of the right to bear and operate firearms, and whole-heartedly acknowledge how that (our) culture is under attack. However after (completely) reading the ord., I fail to see where it is taking from that culture. We the public do need to ensure that fees are reasonable, but all other structure present in there is quite appropriately & clearly in support of responsible borough planning. Even from within the paradigm of civil rights defense.
Don’t we have enough slant reporting going on? We should absolutely be there for the comment hearing to ensure that blue collars aren’t regulated out of the game by fees & engeneering scope. That’s what we ought to be hearing from constructive firearm culture leaders.
Whole heartedly agree.
κανείς δεν τους θέλει. Αυτό που θέλουμε είναι μια υπεύθυνη πολιτική χρήσης γης.
This is not a 2nd amendment issue! Your insistence to drive that narrative is a disservice to all how have fought for the 2nd amendment! This is an issue of property owners right to protect their property. I live in a small community in the upper valley. A gun range built within 1 mile unregulated would devalue my property and I will lose a lifetime of earnings. With the repeal that happened tonight it’s open the gates and build before they realize the mistake. Don’t get me wrong I volunteer at a very popular gun range and have dedicated my life to the second amendment. This was not a 2nd amendment issue!
My bet is that if machine gun fire regularly opens up in the shadow of Mat-Su Regional Hospital and on the shores of Matanuska Lake, this issue will resurface with a vengeance. we’re not talking of the “pop-pop-pop” of automatic 9mm fire. This M1919 has been rebarreled to 7.62×51, but it will most definitely be a reminder to the entire community council area every time it rocks and rolls. This Assembly (to name jyst a few) has literally been played by a pair of carnival operators.