In an effort to more accurately record the adverse events and deaths associated with Covid shots, Truth For Health Foundation has launched its global Citizens Vaccine Injury Reporting System (CVIRS) – in English, Spanish, and Chinese. The aim is to provide the most accurate and easily accessible vaccine reporting system in the world.
The website allows people from across the globe to quickly report adverse reactions to the experimental Covid shots, and to access information on how to treat Covid related illness.
A video of the website rollout will be live streamed on April 13.
The new reporting system aims to serve as an alternative to the CDC’s VAERS system which is difficult to use and suffers from massive under reporting.
The April 13 news conference will include personal testimony on vax injuries, information from insurance companies that are seeing much higher death claims since COVID shots were widely rolled out. The conference will also include critical information on how to treat Covid or the side effects from the jab.
Independent physician Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet is the president and CEO of Truth For Health Foundation. She told LifeSiteNews that the new vax reporting site has received “no funding from the government, big pharma, big insurance, or healthcare systems which, frankly, have agendas tied to their funding. We answer to no one but the public, whose broad-based donations support our work. Our physicians and scientists are volunteering their time.”
It takes about 20 minutes to use the new reporting system to report an adverse reaction. For more information, click here.