
I know many people who desperately want to support Lisa Murkowski. Over 20 years, Lisa she has made personal connections to many people I know. They have worked with her, fought beside her, and many have spoken to her or know her personally.  The folks who elected Lisa over the last 20 years are often good, conservative, salt-of-the-earth people.

This piece is written to present an honest opinion that the Lisa you knew 20, 15 or 5 years ago is not the person who has become the most left-wing Republican in the Senate in our nation’s history. As I present the ways Lisa has moved away from you, please conscientiously reconsider putting Lisa as your first, second or third choice on the ranked choice ballot.

1. TrustTrust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships. – Stephen Covey

Murkowsk is the sole Republican supporting the left-wing election tampering bill: Blaming Republicans for wanting one person, one vote and open, free, and fair elections

2. WisdomA person must be big enough to admit mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them. – John C. Maxwell

Murkowski is the sole Republican who failed to vote for Justice Kavanaugh:  Justice Kavanaugh, Vote Record

3. ConsistencyIt’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently. – Tony Robbins

Murkowski has fallin in love with her ‘Independent’ status: Voting for Biden Supreme Court Nominee, Opposing Pebble Mine Process

4. ValuesIt is our choice of good or evil that determines our character, not our opinion about good or evil. – Aristotle.

Murkwoski supports Roe and Federally re-defining marriage.

5. Representing Alaska“I mean, I’m not here to be the representative of the Republican Party. I’m here to be the representative for Alaskan people. And I take that charge very, very seriously. So, when there is a conflict, when the party is taking an approach or saying things that I think are just absolutely wrong, I think it’s my responsibility, as an Alaskan senator speaking out for Alaskans, to just speak the truth.” -Lisa Murkowski on CNN

Environmentalists love Lisa’s support for Biden’s appointment of Deb Haaland as Interior Secretary. Whatever you think of Trump personally, there is no question his presidency was fantastic for Alaska: Lisa did not vote for Trump.  Senator Murkowski’s campaign is funded almost entirely by lower 48 special interests.

6. Priorities – If you knew Lisa in the past, that doesn’t mean she represents you today. Here are the newly found priorities for Lisa: Public Union , Global Warming 5 Years ago and now.

7. A new group of friends – Where do you fit in?

What happened 12 years ago remains very relevant today. After losing to Miller in the 2010 primary, Lisa stood on stage to announce her plan to get back to the Senate with the head of the NEA and IBEW public unions.  Doing so, she made a fundamental move away from you, to her new group of friends. Over the last six years, these are friends she has gotten to know better, follow more closely, and rarely or never break trust with. Is that what she still does for you, never breaks your trust, fellow conservative?

The views expressed here are those of the author.

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OPINION: The 7 Politically Deadly Sins of Lisa Murkowski

Glen Biegel
Glen Biegel is a long-time Anchorage resident, former host of a popular radio talk-show, a community activist and a political strategist.