Alaska Department of Public Safety released a lengthy press release on Jan. 24, accompanied by an apology from Commissioner James Cockrell for actions taken by the Alaska State Troopers in wrongfully detaining and transporting Colony High School Principal Mary Fulp for a psychological evaluation against her will.

Without mentioning Fulp’s name, Cockrell said the Troopers were not authorized by the Alaska Court System to mandate that Fulp be taken into their custody on Jan. 18.
“Based on the limited information we have been able to learn about this incident from the Alaska Court System it appears that we made a mistake by transporting the adult female for an evaluation,” Cockrell said. “Our staff should have taken additional steps to verify the information presented by the complainant and the validity of the court order.”
He added: “We take full responsibility for this and want to assure the public that we are taking necessary steps to ensure that incidents like this never happen again. This type of situation is unacceptable, and you have my commitment that we will do better.”
Fulp was detained when Troopers mistakenly believed that members of her family had procured a judge’s order mandating that she undergo mental testing.
Fulp is the current principal of Colony High School and the 2022 Alaska Principal of the Year. She served 15 years as principal of Colony Middle School, where her work with students and staff earned her widespread respect and honors throughout Alaska’s educational community.

In a widely viewed Facebook live video, which Fulp recorded when the Troopers arrived at her door on Jan. 18, a Trooper told Fulp that her family members were worried about her mental health. This occurred shortly after Fulp posted a four-hour video in which she enthusiastically claimed to have received special graces from God, a renewed sense of the Holy Spirit and the ability to speak in tongues – a belief held by millions of Christians around the world.
In the video Fulp recorded of her detainment, she told the Troopers that she was being “taken to the hospital for claiming that Jesus is king.”
Prior to the Troopers arriving at her door, some of Fulp’s family members had come to her house earlier in the day due to a concern that she was not mentally well. According to Fulp, she asked her family to leave after the conversation proved unproductive. They refused, and called the Alaska State Troopers to intervien.
Fulp said a female Trooper initially showed up at her door.
Fulp noted that the Trooper found her to be of “sound mind and body when she met with me.”
“She asked me if I wanted them trespassed and I said, ‘If they don’t leave, then we can have that conversation, but please ask them to leave,’” she said.
After her family left, Fulp then received a second visit later that same day from two other Troopers who said they had the court order to take her to Mat-Su Regional Medical Center.
“It’s called an ex parte order, which means they got the order without your input,” one officer explained while being recorded by Fulp in her entryway.

“So, they got the order without my input, because I just set some very clear boundaries that I wanted them to back off,” Fulp can be seen explaining to the officers. “They didn’t honor those boundaries. A Trooper came by earlier and asked me if I wanted them trespassed, and I said, ‘Only if they don’t leave.’ So, they left and came back, and this is what I get.”
According to Alaska Statue, any adult can petition a judge to order a mandatory psychological evaluation of someone alleged to be mentally ill and a grave threat to themselves or others. This order can be done ex parte (without the persons participation). Additionally, a judge can direct that an officer take the person into custody and deliver them to the nearest “appropriate facility for emergency examination or treatment.”
In Fulp’s case, however, there was never a lawful order from a judge to detain her.
The Jan. 24 press release from the Alaska Department of Public Safety (DPS) states that the initial Trooper who arrived at Fulp’s home determined that she “was not exhibiting signs of grave disability from a mental health issue and was not likely to cause serious harm to herself or others and therefore did not meet the conditions for emergency detention under AS 47.30.705. The Trooper departed the residence at 12:10 pm.”
However, at 4:48 p.m. that day, the Troopers received a 911 call stating that a “complainant” claimed she had a “signed order from a judge that the adult female from the previous call was to be involuntarily committed to the nearest mental health evaluation facility.”
That’s when the two Troopers came to Fulp’s home around 5:10 p.m. on Jan. 18.
At that time, the complainant presented a document which she said was “signed by a judge and authorized the transport of the adult female.”
“Troopers observed that the document appeared to be signed by a judge and appeared to be valid,” DPS explained. “Troopers made contact with the adult female and advised her of the judge’s order.”
However, the statement notes that the “primary Trooper assigned to the call acknowledged that the female was not exhibiting grave disability from mental health and was not likely to cause serious harm to herself or others.”
Regardless, believing they were acting under the authority of the court order, the Troopers proceeded to “transport her without incident or force to Mat-Su Regional Medical Center,” DPS stated.
On Friday, Jan. 20, however, the Dept. of Public Safety discovered that the alleged court order may not have, in fact, been an actual court order.
Commissioner Cockrell then ordered a full review of the incident.
“DPS immediately requested copies of the court documents associated with this incident from the Alaska Court System to determine if they were authentic,” DPS explained. “The Alaska Court System denied the DPS request.”
The courts also denied DPS’ request for copies of the documents used by the complainant to request the judge’s order.
“On January 24, 2023, the Alaska Court System issued a public statement stating that there was no valid court order for the adult female’s involuntary commitment,” DPS notes. “This was the first official confirmation from the Alaska Court System that DPS has received that the court order that was presented was not valid.”
Commissioner Cockrell has requested a full internal review of the policies and procedures of the Alaska State Troopers to ensure that incidents like this do not occur in the future.
In a Jan. 23 interview with the Watchman, Fulp said she has obtained an attorney to “seek justice.”
“The people who are defending me are looking at every violation that has happened to me,” she said. “We’re going to right these wrongs in a very public, powerful way.”
She said she was never a threat to herself or others, and claims that her detention was done outside of the proper channels.
Fulp said the Troopers did not even have the paperwork to show her that they had a legal right to detain her.
“I had to go with them on their word,” she said. “They didn’t show me anything. It was so scary.”
It was only after she was detained that Fulp later saw a copy of a document, she said was signed by Alaska Superior Court Judge William Morse.
After arriving at the hospital, Fulp said she was required to put on hospital gear, and her personal belongings were taken from her, including a small cross which she wears around her neck.
“They took everything away from me,” Fulp recounted. “They had an officer watch over me, and had a camera on me for three days straight.”
After being admitted, she said had to undergo an extensive evaluation.
“They took my blood, they found nothing. They did a ct scan, they found nothing. They did an EKG they found nothing,” she explained. “The only thing I left with on the diagnosis is that I do need to have a follow up visit.”
They also gave her anti-psychotic drugs against her will.
“They treated me like I was crazy,” she said.
While Fulp is pursuing legal options, she said she harbors no ill will towards her family members who were “mistakenly” concerned about her.
“I love my family with all my heart,” she said. “They were coming from the right place, but it was wrong.”
is pretty sad that this is happening over and over and over again and the courts get away with lies faulty orders and when you going to a lawyer the lawyers doesn’t want to even help you with that we need to change the whole system and elect the judges with extensive checkup on one each of them then they apology of the DPS is absorbed he need to be fired
Gee, this is reminiscent of people that were committed to asylums in the 1950’s. Great places where families could commit the aged, infirmed or family members that didn’t conform to their norm. History repeats! Poor performance by the Alaska troopers!
This judge is responsible for children being forcibly taken from their parents. He is associated with OCS. Children are not being protected; families are being destroyed in order to get more federal funding. I am praying that he loses his job, is prosecuted, and everyone involved with this Christian woman’s persecution feels pain for what they did. Forgiveness does involve excusing false accusation, even if it’s done by family. Unlike Mrs. Fulp, many of us can’t afford decent legal counsel. The court appointed lawyers are in league with OCS and other state agencies. Don’t bother to comment because I don’t care what anyone says anymore. May there be justice for once.
This is the most egregious violation of someone’s individual liberties that I’ve. Whoever falsified that “ex parte” needs to do hard time in prison. Those troopers are an absolute disgrace to law enforcement – this is how the nazis justified what they did – “following orders”.
I hope she sues the troopers and whom ever falsified that alleged court order – to high, holy hedoublehockeysticks.
Banal Evil
Few questions I have are #1.) Is the judge friends with either of the complainants in the case (son or daughter) #2.) will they be charged with false police report, lying to an LEO during an investigation ? Since complainant 1 & 2’s actions resulted in Ms Fulp having her rights violated can they be help civilly liable ? We already know Dept of Law and AST are working on a NDA and settlement. Sad that the troopers didn’t call the judge on the phone and verify or have an actual copy of the court order.
I just watched the SGT Report: “HOW TO DEFEAT THE TYRANNY OF EVIL MEN — James Tracy & Dr. Fred Graves”. The discussion was about how to defend yourself in a court of law and win – people have to know the law! What we witnessed happened to Mrs. Fulp is going to happen to others because of the “mental health” laws being pushed by the evil men.
Detained for three days by the hospital? I thought the period for a standard mental observation was 30 hours? I cannot remember what possible suspected issues could warrant a 72 hour observation – threat to herself or others? Why did the hospital have to run all of those different tests for a mental health evaluation? Sounds like the judge or the hospital were pretty extreme in dealing with a mental health evaluation patient.
SGT Report about how to win in court without a lawyer. https://rumble.com/v26w1t4-how-to-defeat-the-tyranny-of-evil-men-james-tracy-and-dr.-fred-graves.html
This situation is terrifying, to be given anti psychotic meds without your permission is orwellian. Mary Fulp is a “somebody”. if this exact same situation had happened to a “nobody” like me, there would be no investigation, apology, or lawyer representing me as I could not possibly afford one. i would be labeled as nuts and put away with no recourse. it wouldnt make statewide news and I would have no rights.
Dunleavy’s new law and dunleavy himself need some real close scrutiny that he is ok with stripping his constituents of their rights. now his infatuation with Zink makes much more sense as he seems to think that big government knows best what is good for us.
The hospital was running up the bill. The doctor who prescribed the psych meds should be sued for malpractice. Several of us have been warning the community about this possibility for several months. Another conspiracy theory becomes fact.
It’s a racket. Just like in every other state with similar laws. They run up a massive bill (which you will be stuck with) with tests and procedures you can’t say no to. They probably force-vaccinate you if you aren’t already.
Three things:
1. A practicing Christian who is principal in a public school. Not only rare, but fantastic!
2. Family members who encroach on your personal life, only to successfully check you into a psyc. hospital against your will ,whereafter she publicly forgives the family members.
3. Humiliated, drugged, scanned and incarcerated for three days.
Somebody’s gotta pay! In the mean time, can we give her a life-time achievement award for “Most Intrepid Human Being”.
Wouldn’t anti-psychotic drugs need a physician to prescribe them? Did the physician prescribe the drugs based on a 911 call? No informed consent? Was there ever a diagnosis or were the drugs administered based on a prescription that was called into the hospital from a fictitious doctor? If nothing is done about this, who will be next?
Oh no, crazy people can’t give informed consent. You can do anything to them.
This is quite the litmus test of where our courts and government really are when the rubber hits the road. They are willing and able to enforce tyranny at the drop of a hat… there needs to be justice for this travesty… at many different points. So thankful for the Watchman reporting this.
BOOOOOOOOO Ak Court System and Ak Troopers. BRAVO Principle Fulp. I am beyond impressed thus far with her grace and Christian charactet. Well done.
There is more still to be revealed. Lawsuits, sanctions, and potentially criminal charges (including the two troopers) are in the mix.
That the state can force a citizen to take “anti- psychotics” and detain them under the rubric of HB 172 is a travesty of justice. Also, very Soviet. Doctors were used in a similar fashion in the USSR. Read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s “Cancer Ward”.
This seems like a new version of swatting and it is why so called “red flag” laws ought never be implemented. The potential malicious misuse is too great.
Hopefully the good that can come from this is that HB 172 is deemed unlawful.
Prayers to Mary Fulp. I am sorry that this happened to you.
“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 5:10
Excellent comments. Salute.
Lots of great comment above. In reading both articles, this one and the one on Must Read, it sounds like the court order was not valid and possibly even forged. Maybe that is just how I am reading. Hence maybe it wasn’t the judges signature? The troopers were going by what they were handed and it sounds like state statue allowed them to take Ms Fulp to the hospital. It is good this case is so public and that the ‘victim’ is a well known and beloved school principal and community member of very sound mind, as there is a better chance of shedding needed light on bad policy. How horribly traumatic for Ms Fulp and there really should be some consequence if a document was falsified, altered or incorrectly obtained.
Forgive them, yes. But she needs to get a restraining/no-contact order on those “family members.”
Perhaps, however I trust she will pray and do what she feels the Lord is wanting her to do! God bless those who listen to you when they pray! It’s not religion, it’s a relationship!
Gestapo tactics. I would sue the pants off the State. Setting the stage for even more Civil Rights violations. Does the1st & 2nd Amendment to the United States Constituion ring a bell !!
Three generations of my family have been in law enforcement, from Troopers to Deputy Sheriffs and there was a time when serving the citizen was a primary goal. What we’ve seen over the past two decades seems to have eroded that concept and we’re seeing an acceleration over the last six years. Yes, there are excellent officers out there but too many instances are occurring where the the will of the government is being imposed, citizen be damned. Pure speculation on my part but does the Trooper on the right look ready to “serve and protect” her? History has shown where this path leads.
My guess is that these officers knew something was not right yet moved forward anyway.
Curious as to why the AK Court system denied the request by DPS to review documents. There’s more to this story. The individual that started this needs to be held accountable.
Dean, I am glad that you made note of the trooper on the right! My spouse and I were saying similar (but, less polite). I have seen that trooper out and about and he does not feel approachable to me.
Good! I’m glad the poorly handled situation was at least acknowledged!
Acknowledged by the commissioner “will do better next time”, but the shy and embarrassing expression on the governor’s boyish face indicates that he can’t find the basement hideaway fast enough! This is plenty of evidence to impeach this embarrassment of a leader and his administration!!! Let’s get it done!!
Maybe a good start would be to have the two troopers arrested and transported to the hospital, stripped of their belongings and put through the same tests Mary Fulp endoured for the next 72 hours….Mary Fulp passsed her tests but I am not so sure these trooper would pass and for sure the Judge would likely fail..!!!
Add the family members to that!
On January 20th, the Courts denied a request for a copy of the court order to the Troopers. On January 24th, the Courts made a statement saying there wasn’t any court order!?! What did they do over the weekend, huddle and bleach their system clean? The Alaska Supreme Court recently ruled that a private citizen can’t request to convene a Grand Jury without the Alaska Attorney General’s approval (which was previous allowed in the constitution). So a citizen can’t seek to have a corrupt judge investigated, and if the judge is a controversy, they’ll just allow him to retire without any consequences. A retire judge can still rule from the bench (paid) over cases, without going up for elections, it’s called active pro tem.
A travesty…and thus the need for duly-elected sheriffs…
Yes, the people need sheriffs to protect them from lawless, government thugs who trespass, kidnap, and physically torture innocent Americans.
Great news
Judge Morse and in the Third “Judicial” District tells me all I need to know; This event surpasses all known scams against Alaskans.
This is why the second ammendment exists.
And why were they even permitted entry without a warrant?
Exactly. These lawless thugs broke so many legitimate laws: trespassing, kidnapping, and physical torture for three days. All guilty parties, including the judge, should face criminal charges.
For once I’m glad I don’t have family up here…just sayin’
This is really ridiculous! Someone at the troopers really dropped the ball not having a court order. This is such a slippery slope when people who don’t agree with your spiritual beliefs can call the blue shirts and have you taken for a mental evaluation.
I wish Mrs Fulp well with her soon-to-be new fortune and early retirement. She’s a very gracious person and deserved better. I hope she and her attorneys clean house. On that note, I’ve known and often worked with Commish. Jim Cockrell for close to 30 years and will attest to his professionalism and true public servant attitude. He is a genuinely fine man and I’m happy he’s reigning in his wayward troopers. I trust him with my life. Strong arm tactics by LEO’s do a disservice to the public and AST loses public support when they happen in Alaska, the world’s biggest small town. And it happens way too often. He is the man for the job. I’m very sorry this happened to this nice lady. Trust In government is dying rapidly.
This is what they do in Communist China with Muslims and Christians.
I’ve already demanded that dunleavy get in public and give access to the people to grill him about the operation of his administration! This is communist activism propagated by the government! There is no other way to view this accurately! If dunleavy gets messages at his 4653500 number or is reading this and the many others thoughts, he had better answer a very weary public!
It is only a preview of what’s to come
If the courthouse and FBI are still american it should be investivating with public safety which court employee took a blank official court document and notorized it with a judge’s electronic signature. Mary fulp obviously educated her adult children well either one is the court employee or they got it through a friend.
what’s next house to house mental health evaluations? Red Flag attitude is here. I suppose the Federal Government will pay people to give false witness.
I hope she sues the pants off of everyone involved: the troopers, the judge, her so-called family and the doctors who gave her drugs against her will. Make an example out of all of them so the lawsuit and the multi-million dollar judgment are so well-known that no one dares to do this to anyone again.