Who is Mark Houck? He’s a person who was doing what I was doing here in Alaska when I was his age: spending time, a lot of time, in front of abortion clinics. There are several ways to save an unborn child’s life: block the doors, thus preventing entry; hand out leaflets to offer an alternative to killing your baby; and just plain picketing.
You will note that if Mark Houck had been convicted, the Lamestream Media would have been all over it with coverage. But, because he was acquitted, you will only hear of his exoneration from conservative and prolife news outlets.
Many untold numbers of women have chosen to keep their babies, instead of cutting them to pieces, merely because they read a sign that said something simple: “Mommy, I love you” or “It’s a baby, not a choice” or “Abortion lasts forever.” That’s what Mark Houck was doing with his 12-year-old son in Philadelphia, something his family does a lot, when a harassing clinic “escort,” Bruce Love – a volunteer meant to steer abortion clients past the prolife pleas – began pestering Houck’s son in what was likely a deliberate effort to create an incident.
Getting “in the face” of a 12-year-old, aggressively berating him with his dad nearby, was bound to elicit a response. Love had been told, even by Planned Parenthood staff, not to engage in these antics, but he likely understood that there are two different standards already well at play in American justice. All conservatives and pro-lifers are held to a higher standard of conduct, but leftists and pro-aborts have complete license.
When Houck could not persuade Love to leave his son alone, he had to push him away. When a dad sees a clear threat to his child, he does not wait for the potential aggressor to attack. He acts to defend his child, and takes the consequences, come what may. That is what a real man does. Love predictably complained, but the Philadelphia police brushed him off immediately when they took the reports from both sides, and that was that.
But not with a bone-headed puppet running the federal Department of Justice in Merrick Garland. On an obvious “fishing expedition,” more than a year later, he ordered an FBI team to raid Houck’s home in front of his traumatized family and cart him off on federal charges. When the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act [FACE] was passed in the early 1990s, pro-lifers immediately saw its implications. It was tough enough being carted off and arrested by local cops, and quite another when it becomes a federal case.
From Life News: The federal government attempted to claim that Houck violated all elements of the FACE Act because he had undeniably pushed Love, as evidenced by video footage; that he did so to stop him from his work as an abortion “escort”; and that he was motivated to do so because he “had had enough” of Love performing his function, according to reporting by Catholic News Agency journalist Joe Bukuras.
However, Houck consistently stated that he simply pushed Love “because he was harassing my 12-year-old boy.”
In addition, the defense team presented evidence earlier in the trial indicating that the FACE Act was never intended to cover abortion “escorts.” The late Democratic Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, chief sponsor of the legislation, had clearly stated that “Demonstrators, clinic defenders, escorts, and other persons not involved in obtaining or providing services in the facility may not bring such a cause of action.”
The Planned Parenthood “escort” manual explicitly forbids the volunteers from engaging in altercations with protesters. Defense attorney Brian McMonagle also observed that the CEO of the local Planned Parenthood chapter wanted Love pulled from his rotation because of his failures to abide by the policy.
Clearly, then, the Garland “justice” department is acting in a tyrannical and political manner. They have ignored hundreds of incidents of vandalism, fire-bombing and threats nationwide to churches, pro-life clinics and social clubs, and also here in Alaska. Even as the wooden-headed AG has lost this case, the intimidation factor is a message intended for pro-lifers everywhere.
Unless and until the allegedly conservative, prolife Republicans in Congress initiate impeachment charges against Garland, and Biden for that matter, such “victories” for the prolife movement will be empty.
Just like the old saying goes, “Guilty Until Proven Innocent.” Isn’t that what the USA is all about: double standards, two faced lies, do as I want, and everything else? We’ve fallen so far from the America I learned about in school and gave over 20+ years of my life to defend its pathetic! Will America ever be great again? I really doubt it. Hope to get my participation trophy soon!
Yes America can be great again! But it must be good first. Goodness starts with Revival!
In a book published in 1835 by Andrew Reed and James Matheson, two British ministers who visited churches in the United States in 1834 to promote fellowship and then wrote about their travels, wrote: “America will be great if America is good. If not, her greatness will vanish away like a morning cloud”*
*The phase is often attributed to Alexus de Tocqueville who is oft quoted, perhaps erroneously, as saying
“America is great because America is good, America will cease to be great when it ceases to be good”
The concept is a truism. Greatness is preceded by goodness. God is great because He is good. Give Thanks to the Lord, for He is Good (1 Chronicles 16:7-36; Psalm 95:1-11; Psalm 105:1-45)
Looking at America today and proclaiming it to be “good” is difficult if not impossible, with abortion (64,000,000 babies aborted), abuse of marriage (over 50% ending in divorce), pornography (30% of the Internet industry is pornography.[19] Stephen Yagielowicz, “The Internet Really is Porn,” http://www.xbiz.com/news/146703 (accessed 6/11/14). “Anthony compiled data from Google’s DoubleClick Ad Planner to reveal that XVideos is currently the largest adult website, boasting 4.4 billion page views per month; with other adult sites, such as LiveJasmin, YouPorn, Tube8 and Pornhub all commanding vast expanses of market share, ‘that dwarf almost everything except the Googles and Facebooks of the Internet.’” – not to mention adultery, fornication, drug abuse, corruption, riots in the streets and alcoholism running rampant.
But God can and has sent revivals in situations like this.
In our history we have had a number of great awakenings, time to pray to a Good good God for Revival! Frequently the most outrageous wickedness of the ungodly is followed by a revival.
“If Christians are made to feel that they have no hope but in God, and if they have sufficient
feeling left to care for the honor of God and the salvation of the souls of the impenitent,
there will certainly be a Revival.” The Rev. CHARLES G. FINNEY, LECTURE II. WHEN A REVIVAL IS
This video topic could fall under all of these topics, so I will start here. All these tactics that the evil are pushing are to break us down and control us.
“China and 1984”
You post this story on a day when the economic reports are incredible. Lowest unemployment since 1969. Biden is doing things right.
This is promising news!