
Two Anchorage Election Commission meetings are scheduled for Thursday, April 20. Both will be at the city’s Election Center (619 E. Ship Creek Avenue, Door D), on the east side of the building.

From 2-4 p.m. the commission will hold a work session on the recent April 4 election. Then, from 5-11 p.m. there will be an in-person public session of canvass and the adoption of the election commission report. During this time, members will review challenged ballot envelopes and make final decisions on the status of these ballots.

The Election Commission will also listen to in-person comments and concerns about the recent election during the second meeting – 5-11 p.m.

Voters can also call in to listen and/or comment by dialing (907) 273-5190 (code: 786815#).

Additionally, written testimony can be sent to by 4 p.m. on April 20.
In particular, campaigns and voters with challenged ballot envelopes will have time to speak directly to the commission regarding those issues. The general public will also be provided a limited amount of time to speak under audience participation.

The Election Commission is a five-member body appointed by the mayor, approved by the Assembly, and staffed by the city clerk. This group adjudicates ballots that have been preliminarily rejected by election officials, reviews and reports on the election results to the Assembly, provides advice on the conduct of local elections, recommends changes to local law relating to elections, and investigates allegations of election misconduct.

The current election commission is comprised of four members, with one seat vacant (Click here to apply for the opening).

The Anchorage Assembly certification of the April 4 election is scheduled to occur Tuesday, April 25, beginning at 5 p.m. in the Loussac Library Assembly Chambers.

For additional Municipal Election information, please visit, call 907-243-VOTE(8683), or email

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Voters can raise concerns with Anchorage election commission at April 20 meeting

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Elizabeth Henry says:

    I am surprised to see the majority of commission members are conservatives. I do not know anything about Glennis Ireland but the other three are.

    • Tom Weeks says:

      They were all appointed by Bronson. I’m surprised you all are complaining about this commission.

      • Friend of Humanity says:

        Is someone complaining Tom? Can you please point out to me who is complaining because I seem to have missed the complaints.

  • Todd R. says:

    I’ve emailed testimony regarding the obvious extra costs involved with mail in voting, the fact that it hasn’t resulted in increased participation and asked that they recommend going back to in person voting.

  • DaveMaxwell says:

    Can anyone see a need for a forensic audit? This is and repeatedly has been a crime scene!

  • David Arehart says:

    My ballot envelope arrived without a glue seal. Went ahead and sealed it using tape (could have found some glue) but then realized this was not a good idea because a taped / suspicious seal would be grounds to disqualify it. Ended up going to the library and voted a ballot. Did phone MOA elections and let them know about the defective mail-in ballot envelop seal. As background I have worked (4) State elections and there is very strict ballot control, unfortunately, by design, mail-in ballots do not have ballot control. With State Elections at least you know your ballot made it to a vote tabulator.