A ballot measure has been filed to set term limits on all Alaska legislators.
The proposal states, “No person having served 12 consecutive years as a member of the legislature shall again be eligible to serve as a member of the legislature until six years have intervened from when that person last held office.”
Additionally, no lawmaker would be able to serve more than 20 years total.
If passed, current legislators, who have already served more than 12 straight years could finish their terms, but could not serve again until six years pass. Those who have already held office for over 20 years would be ineligible to ever run for the legislature again after their current terms expire.
If the initiative is approved by Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom, proponents will need to gather nearly 27,000 signatures from registered voters across Alaska to put the proposal up for a vote in 2024.
OK with me
Absolutely! Let’s do it!
Oh why not . We can either have a total change of leadership direction electing different community leaders or we can just continue electing the same friends of the outgoing friend to carry on the team goals.
This is a reasonable initiative that should get sensible support from all sides, but let’s work to get all the support we can for this. Terms limits are important and this gives all lawmakers time to serve with a good absences in between. 20 years in total 12 years, a minimum of six years absence, and 8 years following max. Well enough time for any politician and we would at least have terms limits than none.
I would also, like to see a ballot measure to move their “isolated Kingdoms” out of Juneau, into the more accessible regions of the state.
It’s already been done and approved by the voters.
This is correct that it was already approved by the voters. However, for some reason, they just cannot come up with the money or something to move the capitol. But, everyone needs to make sure they pay their “income taxes” so that we can send more money to Ukraine. Ha. What a joke!
I am all for it. Need to also get the legislative session out of Juneau and closer to the greater population where more people can attend and be involved.
to gather nearly 27,000 signatures from registered voters across Alaska to put the proposal up for a vote in 2024.
Sounds like a no-brainer, should be an easy task. But you know the left they don’t want to give up there Power.
We could have two petitions side-by-side: One to get rid of Rank Choice Voting and the other to set term limits!
Doesn’t matter if the people approved it..
Our overlords have the final say and know better than we the pesants =/
Whoa! AK DOT wanting public comment on reducing carbon here in Alaska. This is not good folks!!!
Is this related to the US Carbon Reduction Program? “Funding can also be used to support the development of state carbon reduction strategies, in consultation with designated metropolitan planning organizations” as in 15 minute Cities perhaps?
Many have been coming out talking about how carbon does not affect the temperature of the earth, but our local government is going to push forward with the globalist agenda because money is involved. Forget the lives that could be lost because it is all about the money.
‘Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: ‘The Climate Emergency Is a Total Hoax”
Alaskans for Global Warming!
Yes – term limits for all.