The number of overnight, summer youth camps that target children who may identify as LGBTQ, non-binary or transgender is expanding – both in Alaska and across the nation.
These camps typically place gender-confused youth with members of the opposite sex when it comes to cabins and restrooms, while affirming children in their gender confusion.
In Alaska, Camp Identity is happening this week at Campfire Alaska’s Camp-K facility in Cooper Landing. Geared for kids ages 13-18, the three-day, overnight camp specifically targets youth who think they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and/or two-spirited. The Identity website claims it is a “safe space for identity expansive individuals who want a summer camp experience without worrying about being accepted for who they are.”
“Help us break down barriers and continue to offer this camping experience for years to come!” the website adds. “Youth will be given an opportunity to attend camp in a queer-friendly environment where they can relax, enjoy arts and crafts, and outdoor adventures.”
While at camp, children are assigned to a group based on their age and gender identity. They are also allowed to bunk with other children based on gender identity rather than biological sex.
Campfire Alaska’s website notes that its facility is “committed to providing a safe and inclusive experience for all gender identities and expressions.” Camp staff are also trained in DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) practices.
The emergence of LGBTQ themed camps is not unique to Alaska. The website Gender Sexuality Info has documented a long list of U.S. camps across the country that cater to youth who identify as “LGBTQ,” with a number specifically for “trans” kids or those who identify as neither male nor female.
Several of the camps listed at Gender Sexuality Info offer trans-focused sex education with talks about puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, voice training to assist with a child’s gender identity, makeup and hair tutorials and discussions about mutilating surgeries.
The website for Camp Identity in Cooper Landing does not divulge the specifics of what kids will learn apart from listing a few typical summer camp activities.
According to a recent LifeSiteNews article, demand for LGBTQ camps is on the rise as the number of youth who identify as “trans,” and “non-binary” explodes nationally.
“In New Jersey public schools, for example, while just 16 students claimed to be ‘non-binary’ during the 2019-2020 school year, that number rose to a staggering 675 by the 2022-2023 school year, according to New Jersey Department of Education enrollment data,” LifeSiteNews reports. “The pattern is playing out across the country to such an extent that even those who are pro-‘transgender’ are recognizing the influence of social media and peer trends on the sharp uptick in ‘trans’ and ‘non-binary’ identification.
The growth in camps geared around LGBTQ sexuality is occurring despite the fact that 80% of children who experience gender confusion eventually grow out of this passing phase before adulthood.
“While transgender advocates often attempt to cite data to argue that so-called ‘gender-affirming care’ helps reduce suicidal ideation, a 2021 JAMA study found that a 2020 correction to ‘the largest existing study on this subject to our knowledge’ had found ‘no mental health benefit from gender-affirming surgery after comparison with a control group of [gender-confused] people who had not yet undergone surgery,’” LifeSiteNews noted. “In fact, according to research that surveilled actual outcomes spanning three decades, people who obtained so-called ‘gender-affirming surgeries’ were “19 times more likely to kill themselves” than the general population.”
the kids would be better off at a VBS camp
VBS is only for three hours. Kids sent off to summer programs have a parent working and need someplace for 8 hrs. These youth or very very young young adults need to be working, though. they too old for summer camp. 13 to 14 may be able to work someplace or put in volunteer hours while the 15-18 year olds they reached an employable age. Summer camp was designated for youth between 5 years-9 or up to 11 if needed. If a child is being carefully raised they can start staying home when they are nine.
If the churches really want to help, their attendees can look inside themselves to help with babysitting even doing it at a lower cost or free. Many of these at risk 13-18 year olds summer camp fee is paid through child care assistance, OCS, or out of pocket while the parents work or give the foster families a break. Trying to convince parents whom may not see Christ very important to put their child in a faith based all day summer program will take done work advertising and discipling.
DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) should be rearranged as DIE as it represents the death of innocence by trans-cult assault and forced creation of artificial identity/gender confusion. Despicable sanctioned child abuse.
I understand your opposition to the “trans-cult” but why are you against diversity and inclusion? I like being around people not like me.
Diversity means anti-white racism. Inclusion means incompetence. And equity means communism. Do you understand now?
You don’t like it then go get a job. Christians and conservatives I think are the least likely to send their young adults out into work. I remember being young once I know parents of young adult children including my own parent allow their adult child home from college to do nothing during summer. They don’t even work at a summer camp. If the family grew up in the churches they want their children to work for a Christian. Part of discipling is going out in the world and working around secular co workers. While the leftists are working at any job that’ll hire them, Christians and conservatives are being picky.
At what lodge or facility is this grotesque event being hosted in Cooper Landing? Has this conservative, faith and fish based town changed its identity recently???
Parents send their Kids to these grooming dens. It is popular to have kid that is “ different “.
Nothing new, I have watched parents do it for years and brag about it. There would not be a Transvestite story hour if parents were not showing up with their kids.
Jen you are so full of it I do not know where to begin.
Obviously you are not a church goer, but like many of Google Know it all’s out there, you have your warped opinion .
Fortunately for us, Ak Watchmen publishes your blather to expose the reality of the Uber Left.
Please Don’t send your kids to these recruitment camp. It’s all about grooming your kids and teaching them about this sick and evil LGBTQ Bull cr@p
George. 100% disagree with you. You promote division and meanness.
leave the children Alone!!
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