In an effort to encourage faith-based and family-friendly content at community libraries across the nation, an Alaska organization has booked the Loussac Library for a virtue-based children’s story hour in Anchorage.
Inspired as a reaction against Drag Queen Story Hours and sexualized library books, the event is part of a nationwide movement – “See You at The Library” – which was launched by actor and writer Kirk Cameron.
On Aug. 5, the Alaska-based GoodTubeKids will host an event at the Loussac Library from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. The virtue-based media group has held several similar events over the past few months, both in Anchorage and the Mat-Su.
The goal on Aug. 5 is to encourage families to utilize their local libraries for book readings that promote virtue, faith, authentic patriotism and family values.
While the Anchorage event is already scheduled, the American Library Association (ALA) is encouraging member libraries throughout the U.S. to work behind the scenes to thwart efforts like “See You at The Library.”
The taxpayer-funded ALA, of which most Alaska libraries are members, is now circulating guidance to sabotage conservative or Christian parent groups from using their public libraries for the Aug. 5 events. One ALA director delivered a video message encouraging librarians to block “See You at The Library” events by booking official library programming that same day so there is no time or space for the event.
— Those who wish to host a “See You at The Library” event at a local library, can click here for more information.
Well that’s the great thing about public libraries: They’re open to all, and they have something for everyone. Sure, the same books that some parents have had banned from public school libraries are still available at public libraries, yet at the same time there are countless books filled with “faith-based and family-friendly content.” Most libraries also have storybook readings by volunteers that reflect the diversity of the local community. It’s very unfortunate that some parents would rather see public libraries completely shut down because of a few books they don’t like.
I didn’t think anyone was aiming to shut down libraries because of books they don’t like. I thought the aim was to remove inappropriate sexual content and programs from young children’s view. In fact, I’m sure that is the proposal. Now, after personally finding such books in the kids section of the library, I am not interested in taking my kids there. I don’t need to have a talk about transexuality, or any sexuality, with my elementary aged kids.
An interesting take on all that is going on in our state and in the nation: Health Ranger Report’s “Resist the SORCERY – be a SPELL BREAKER’ 19 minutes long.
More on breaking the power grab. ‘INCREDIBLE SPEECH EU Parliment: UK activist Fiona Hine on Fraud upon the People.’ 4:49 minutes long
Wow! Thank you for that! “You have the power to not choose their new normal.” She is calling on the citizens of the world to fight back against these unelected bullies like the WHO.
Interesting that the ALA is tax-payer funded but does not have to represent the tax payers and can try to cancel or not schedule events that are not in the leftist pattern. And of course they holler foul if they don’t agree with any event that features family values. Their goal remains to split up the family in favor of the state, funded by our tax dollars. We must fight or lose it all.
Shelia, do we have a governor? What the hell does he do?