Planned Parenthood in Alaska is working overtime to stack the Fairbanks School Board with hard leftist candidates who will support explicit and graphic sex education, radical LGBTQ policies and pro-abortion and birth control policies for local schools.
In particular, the abortion business is endorsing current School Board Member Tim Doran, along with Bobby Burgess and Meredith Maple because they “support sex education, LGBTQ+ rights,” and so-called “reproductive health care,” a catch all phrase that encompasses abortion and teen birth control without parental knowledge.
In order to elect their favored candidates, Planned Parenthood – Alaska’s largest provider of abortions – is organizing an army of activists for phone banks, neighborhood canvassing, and trainings on how to have effective conversations with voters.
“We deserve a Fairbanks school board that won’t vote to remove consent and LGBTQ+ identities from sex education materials,” Planned Parenthood’s Facebook page asserts.
While the three Planned Parenthood-endorsed candidates for Fairbanks School Board have largely steered away from mentioning their positions in support of abortion, LGBTQ activism and sex education, all three have a history of backing hard left social and political issues.
Incumbent Tim Doran was a vocal opponent of the State Board of Education’s decision to ban gender-confused males from competing against girls in high school sports. He is also an ardent supporter of LGBTQ literature and radical sex education classes in Fairbanks schools.
Doran’s seat is being challenged by Michael Humphrey, who is raising six children with his wife. The highly decorated U.S. Marine describes himself as a conservative Christian who favors greater parental involvement in school, supports budget controls and smaller class sizes, while opposing the spread of radical gender ideology.
Abortion-industry-backed Bobby Burgess’s personal Facebook page includes photos of himself dressed in drag, along with posts supporting transgender identities for children. He has also hitched his campaign to Burgess who is challenging conservative incumbent board member April Smith. For the past three years, Smith has fought an uphill battle for parents rights, while opposing graphic sex education and the LGBTQ agenda in area schools.
Maple’s official campaign sites are largely silent about her LGBTQ or abortion activism, but her personal Facebook page is replete with references to abortion and LGBTQ activism. She also has a number of photos depicting her in what appears to be a romantic relationship with a biological woman who presents outwardly as a man.
Maple is challenging incumbent Maggie Matheson, who has a solid record of supporting parental rights and opposing hard-left ideology during her stint on the school board.
Fairbanks residents will vote on school board members during the Oct. 3 municipal election. Early voting begins Sept. 18.
— Early in-person voting for the Fairbanks election begins Sept. 18 at Shopper’s Forum Mall at 1255 Airport Way, Fairbanks. This location will remain open until Sept. 28, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
— Absentee in-person voting will take place at the City of Fairbanks Clerk’s office (800 Cushman Street) and the North Pole Clerk’s Office (125 Snowman Lane). This starts Sept. 18 at 8 a.m.
— In-person voting on election day (Oct. 3) will run from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at various polling locations.
— Click here for more information regarding locations, times, dates and deadlines for the upcoming Fairbanks election.
Is it not the goal of Alaska Watchman to stack school boards with anti-LGBTQ activists?
Neither is it for planned parenthood. If we don’t stand up to this evil. Then our kids will turn out evil like you.
What EXACTLY is evil about Chuck? I suspect from his postings he’s gay. Is that it? Evil is a big bad thing for lithic Christians. Is Chuck going to hell? As an atheist, am I?
Lucinda, it is not for us to decide who is going to hell. That will be God Almighty’s decision. Are you ready to repent, ask for forgiveness of your sins and allow God Almighty into your life? He wants you to be saved.
This is the most disgusting piece of trash I’ve ever read.
Your so right, planned parenthood is a piece of trash. I could of not said it any better
That’s not drag, that’s Ziggy Stardust / David Bowie.
I did not realize that the AK Watchmen are so profoundly uncool that they can’t even recognize a really obvious David Bowie Halloween costume. I simply would say nothing instead of announcing that I don’t like rock & roll.
Has anyone seen dunleavy?
I believe Fairbanks has more sane than insane voters. Time for the sane to vote down these three radicle school board candidates.
These three just like planned parenthood are all corrupt. They all need to go away. I bet after tge next election and Trump gets back into the White House planned parenthood will go away. It should of last time while he was in office! I can’t imagine Fairbanks schools if these three radicals get elected! GOD, help us all.