The publicly-funded Anchorage Museum is continuing its ongoing evolution of embracing the cultural and political agenda of the far left.
Supported by the Municipality of Anchorage, the Anchorage Museum Foundation, and private, corporate and foundation funds, the museum has increasingly become a powerful mouthpiece for climate change alarmism, critical race theory, diversity, equity and inclusion and LGBTQ activism.
This month, the prominent institution is using its sizable public resources to recruit and train local teens to be radical climate change activists who can then be used to convince their peers to join the fight against fossil fuels and advocate for electric vehicles and other so-called “green energy” solutions.
According to the museum website past teen climate activists have been convinced that the “earth is burning” and that if they don’t act soon they may not even make it into adulthood.
The Anchorage Museum’s embrace of controversial so-called “progressive” causes mirrors what is happening to museums across the nation and the world.
A 2022 Wall Street Journal article by art editor Eric Gibson notes that museums are facing a “crisis of purpose.”
“They are now widely seen as shameful relics of the era of Western colonialism, whose proper social role is to advance a progressive agenda,” he observed. “As a result, they are undergoing the greatest transformation since the 1960s, when the art museum as we know it—popular, populist and a must-see destination—came into existence.”
According to Gibson, ideologues have replaced historical and cultural experts to ensure that museum goers “view art through progressive lenses…The politicization of art museums is so pervasive that the there is hardly an institution or aspect of museum practice exempt from it.”
He adds that the general public should be concerned about the deconstruction and radical transformation of museums “because the tax dollars that support these institutions are intended for heritage preservation and disinterested scholarly inquiry, not political tub thumping.”
Please explain to me how we were “burning up” during this past summer’s unusually cool wet summer or the rather early snowfall we are presently experiencing. Doesn’t seem very “hot” to me.
Teens, I address you. Think for yourselves. You are an intelligent group being led by an agenda not your own. Throw off your wooly coat and use those fantastic brains you have been given. You are being used!
Mary. Think globally, or at least nationally. America has endured record heat this year. Weather is not the same as climate.
Maybe you should talk to Alaskan villagers whose communities are sinking because of melting permafrost.
This climate B.S. always makes me want to say this, “If it wasn’t for global warming I wouldn’t be listening to this crap. We’d still be buried under the five mile ice sheet glacier that covered North America.” Get my point? Greet a grip.
Jeez, WOKE-this and WOKE-that. Ask a hundred people to define WOKE and you’ll get a hundred different answers. It just seems to be a catch-all term for all the latest conservative grievances. But when you’re talking about climate change, you’re not talking about politics. You’re talking about science. And science is true, whether you believe it or not. The physics of greenhouse gases have been known for over 100 years now. Globally 2023 has been the warmest year since temperature records have been recorded. There are plenty of things that can be done to mitigate climate change, but I’m not optimistic that we have the collective will as a species to do it in time. Future generations will curse us for failing to act when we knew what was happening.
In 2014-2016 we were regulars, it used to be fun and provided knowledge. Since 2016 our beautiful Anchorage Museum quality of exhibits declined very Dull and not smart. Its a waste of money. Which is sad because for the beauty of the facility and the fullness of Anchorage, be nice if you want to take s break and enter a metropolitan-like atmosphere that’s what the museum was intended. The current leadership of the museum have no idea how to think out of box while being narrow-minded and opinionated.
In 2014-2016 we were regulars, it used to be fun and provided knowledge. Since 2016 our beautiful Anchorage Museum quality of exhibits declined very Dull and not smart. Its a waste of money. Which is sad because for the beauty of the facility and the dullness of Anchorage, be nice if you want to take s break and enter a metropolitan-like atmosphere that’s what the museum was intended. The current leadership of the museum have no idea how to think out of box while being narrow-minded and opinionated.
I think Earth science if taught not how it’s taught today we would learn Earth goes through major cycles every couple thousand years, Coolings and heat waves. But also that’s just my guess.
Earth has gone through climate shifts over geological time frames. The current anthropogenic climate shift, by comparison, has been been relatively rapid. Even TV meteorologists can tell you this. The science is clear.
Indeed, and the Geologists have records that refute your “suggestions” of the relativity. Alaska was at one time much warmer, and ice free. The geologists have unearthed artifacts containing the remains of dinosaurs in Alaska… (look it up).. The “rapid” development of the last ice age starved them to death. Prior to that era, the ice cores, and Earth layers show that the Earth has been through much warmer periods. Another point; If you are going to detect, report, and pontificate on the temperatures, get your sensors out of Death Valley, and out of the centers of highly developed/populated cities, and next to asphalt pavements. There is plenty of data showing how this misrepresents factual environmental conditions in a region. Once one departs from these areas, the temperatures drop dramatically. If you want to depopulate, and disassemble the congested cities, and the manufacturing operations, just say so.. But the Global Warming BS is just that.. BS. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/higXpFF79Hw/maxresdefault.jpg .. https://co2coalition.org/media/97-consensus-what-consensus-2/ ..https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/08/01/nobel-prize-winning-scientist-has-speech-canceled-saying-climate-change-is-not-crisis/ .. There was a lot of hysteria being spread my Michael Mann, and his colleagues, until their schemes were exposed through their communications regarding how to manipulate the actual data, and distort the actual past, current, and future climate conditions. Some of his colleagues were worried that if they posted some of their lies, that they would be rejected. Michael reasoned with them that they could manipulate the verbiage, and get away with it. Mann invented the IPCC Hockey Stick to distort Tim Balls actual data graphs.. It may help if you look up the IPCC records if they are still available, and haven’t been scrubbed because of inconvenience.. I screen grabbed a lot of their conversations from back then, but.. you may choose to disregard their own words.. Finally… Yes the “actual” science is clear, and I doubt that it is what you are referring to.
“Science” as many call it today, depends chiefly on the agenda of the “scientist.”
Mary – The fundamental core of science is that it must be provable and rely on evidence, testing and reason.
You’re idea of a scientist is the bankrupt My Pillow conman.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. Follow the science and not cherry-picked data from either side. Some have forgotten the Scientific Method: Question, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Data Analysis, Conclusion, and Communication. The Scientific Method is a process used to validate observations while minimizing observer bias. Its goal is for research to be conducted in a fair, unbiased and repeatable manner.
Ak Fish. Reason wilts in the soil of the hyper Christian right.
Oh, looks like you are running out of intelligent smak to post, so now you are reverting to your name-calling and put-downs again Lucinda.
The publicly funded Anchorage Museum needs to have its budget CUT PERIOD
Along with the PAC!
Lobo. Good try with your appeal to science but you failed on a few points. First, there are no artifacts associated with dinosaurs. Second, dinosaurs were not wiped out by the last ice age.
Yes, dinosaurs were not wiped out…just look at how many chickens are alive today!
I’m glad at least some children and adults will see the climate change exhibit. I know the right doesn’t believe in it, but science show it is. Trying to “hide” exhibits like this is wrong.
4.4 billion years of geologic history and the Leftist chattering marionettes & their useful idiots the Propaganda Press spewk (every 20 years or so since the 60’s) “We’re all going to Die!” Global CO2 levels are at .04%, at .02% plant life begins to die. There is no amount of money that’s going to change a planetary climate. Pffft!