
Plato announced some 400 years before Christ, “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

Some 24 centuries later, with the present rancor of a decaying social fabric, false revisions to our historic memories and significance and a centralized overreaching state and federal government infrastructure, what can be done to help provide our citizens with a better understanding of the need for change?

In particular, the state and federal government institutions have created an unbelievable number of artificial entities and bureaucracies, which deceptively claim to enhance responsiveness and cost savings for local needs and demands. The performance and outcome of these artificial entities have left us boxed-in by government-created industries that promote centralization over welfare, homelessness, education, energy, agriculture, the environment, health and a many more government created industries, all on our dime with no significant benefit to us.

In our Chugiak and Eagle River communities, there exists a strong group of people who have the determination to offer a path to change which results in bottom-up governance.

Under the leadership of FDR’s democratic oligarchy, Alaska adopted a top-down governance model characterized by centralized decision-making and policy implementation. In this system, directives originate from a central authority and cascade down through hierarchical levels, with limited input from lower-level actors. This approach, while aiming for efficiency, often restricts citizen participation in public affairs due to regulatory complexities and bureaucratic barriers. Despite the government’s encouragement of civic engagement, stringent regulations and legal structures, as well as prevailing political ideologies, act as deterrents. This leads to disillusionment and apathy among citizens. Consequently, the call for participation becomes muffled by practical challenges. The resulting limited engagement and disengagement produce a cycle of counterproductivity which enlarges bureaucracies, but shrinks individual liberty.

Conversely, bottom-up governance, also referred to as decentralized or participatory governance, emphasizes the involvement of grassroots organizations, local communities and individual citizens in decision-making processes. In bottom-up governance initiatives and decisions often originate at the local level and gradually gain support and momentum, with higher-level authorities providing support and resources when needed. This approach prioritizes inclusivity, transparency and responsiveness to the needs and preferences of local stakeholders, which fosters a sense of ownership and empowerment within communities.

In our Chugiak and Eagle River communities, there exists a strong group of people who have the determination to offer a path to change, which results in bottom-up governance. We are a community bound by more than just geography; we are united by our shared dreams, our aspirations, and our unwavering commitment to freedom. It is this very spirit that compels us to embark on a journey towards meaningful local self-governance, a journey we refer to as Eaglexit.

Eaglexit is not a political movement.

It is an understanding of not only the sentiment attributed to Thomas Jefferson, “That government is best which governs least, because its people discipline themselves.” But it is a working application of how local bottom-up self-governance in Alaska may best work to benefit its citizens and our children.

This testament to local self-governance education is unlike anything ever seen in Alaska. It is the educational methodology necessary to understand how the path to local self-government can be accomplished.

As we stand on the precipice of this historic moment, we are acutely aware of the challenges that lie ahead. The road to local self-governance is fraught with obstacles, and the path to sovereignty is paved with uncertainty. But it is precisely in the face of adversity that our true mettle is revealed, and it is through unity that we shall overcome.

It is time to exercise our ability to learn about bottom-up local self-governance and our ability to choose how we want to govern ourselves.

Questions? Please come and join us at

OPINION: The Eaglexit Opportunity

Michael Tavoliero
Michael Tavoliero resides in Eagle River, where he remains actively engaged in local politics.


  • Diana says:

    Three Real Estate Salesmen on the Board is three too many. This is a pretty good article but it doesn’t clearly picture the real board and decisions that are going on in Eagle River to have this happen.

    • Michael Tavoliero says:

      If you have a chance I will overlook your real estate salesman bias (JK) and if you live in AD2, please feel free to reach out. I would be very curious to discover what you mean by ” This is a pretty good article but it doesn’t clearly picture the real board and decisions that are going on in Eagle River to have this happen.” as I am one of the original founders. Diana, my number is easy to look up. Please a call or coffee. I am available to answer your questions and concerns.

  • Reggie Taylor says:

    “Three Real Estate Salesmen on the Board is three too many……..”
    LOL, yeah, thanks. One of the primary entities (yet again) of our housing problems is the real estate industry keeping prices high and continually rising until yet another price crash, which resets the cycle while the previous cycle pirates flee to another region prime for piracy. The crisis repeats itself so consistently that ine can set the lunar calendar to it.
    Conversely, we have the current unique phenomenon of a New York real estate developer who had never before been elected to any level political office winning the office of POTUS because the political/legal class is so incredibly corrupt that there was no itger viable option, and incredibly, the real estate developer proved himself to be the correct choice, and continues to do so.
    These are troubling times. It looks to me like bugging out is the best option, especially since we can now vote remotely, and remote Alaska doesn’t have a local government to vote for.

  • JA says:

    As an Eagle River resident, I am, generally, in favor of separating from the bureaucracy of Anchorage, and while this article espouses interesting philosophical theory for such governance, I find most of the Eaglexit rhetoric completely superfluous. The only thing I—and I think most people—want to know are: (1) how will this affect taxes, (2) how will it affect the school system, (3) what, objectively, are the pros and cons, (4) what are the 5/10/20+ year goals for progress and growth if Eaglexit succeeded, etc. So, as someone already in general favor of the moment, those are the only things I want to see in writing; anything else makes me suspicious of what is actually known/unknown behind the scenes

    • Michael Tavoliero says:

      Hi JA,
      As a resident of Eagle River, may I suggest you come to one of our town halls or I am available for coffee whenever it works for you. Please keep in mind we are a grassroots effort and anyone who wants to attribute anything nefarious or clandestine to our efforts is either ignorant, misinformed or just devious. Frankly, our process has been open since 2018, when we initiated this effort. Regarding your Assembly District 2 taxes, they have steadily increased over 15% since 2019. We can demonstrate that we can keep the current level of services at a lower mill rate. My sincere recommendation is join us and discovery the facts for yourself. Best Wishes,

    • Friend of Humanity says:

      JA, from the sounds of it, you have not been in Eagle River for very long. When you have a smaller area breaking away from a bigger area, what do you expect to happen? I don’t know the specifics on how much Eagle River/Chugiak gets back from the taxes they pay in; but, it is odd that Anchorage does not want to let go of Eagle River/Chugiak, so it must be a pretty good chunk of money. I am all for Eagle River/Chugiak breaking away. There has been talk off and on about this since, at least, the mid-1970s that I can recall; but every time, the idea gets shoved in the round file.

  • M says:

    I supported eagle exit until I read that “it isn’t a political movement.” Speaking only for myself here: why on earth not?! I do not support an EE plan that is run by a board of liberals. I do not support an EE plan where the school and education infrastructure which has been previously proposed, if it is to be run by a liberal school board and liberal teachers. Would we not be in the exact same position we are in now? EE MUST be a political movement if it is to hold the foundational tenets it claims to want to hold for the community. While we are at it, let’s make it faith driven in some foundational way. I suspect you’d have more support. Those of us who have donated and supported up until now are hoping for it to be more divisive politically than not.

    • Michael Tavoliero says:

      Lol…We probably have never met. If you live in AD2, you are always welcome to get a cup of coffee with any of us. That may definitely assuage your “liberal” bias. Also you probably have never read any of my other articles. Regardless, please the offer is open and I’d enjoy meeting you.

      • M says:

        I’ve read every article of yours that has been published here. We are in Birchwood. How do you intend to avoid the same political issues with liberalism that have befallen the Anchorage and Mat Su school districts, without associating or aligning your cause with conservative values, including conservative political leadership?
        You’ve made it a point to attack or taunt those commenting on your article with nothing more than an empty invitation that doesn’t actually speak to any of the issues any of the commenters have brought up. Including mine.
        If we are distrusting – there is a reason. You must earn trust with respect, professionalism and honesty. I see you are lacking in several of these qualities based off of how you are choosing to respond to valid issues.

  • เว็บคาสิโน says:

    เว็บคาสิโนไม่ผ่านเอเย่นต์ คุณอาจกำลังมองหาเว็บไซต์คาสิโน PG ที่ไม่ต้องผ่านเอเย่นต์เพื่อความสะดวกสบายและความน่าเชื่อถือ แน่นอนที่เข้ามาช่วย! เราเสนอบริการคาสิโนออนไลน์ที่เป็นอันดับหนึ่งในโลก

    • Friend of Humanity says:

      Editor, can you please remove this post that is in a foreign language or provide a translator so that we can read what this troll has posted?

    • Friend of Humanity says:

      Editor, is this an ad for a casino? I tried to translate it – the translator I used was from Thai to English.
      “You may be looking for a PG casino site that doesn’t have to go through an agent for convenience and reliability. Of course, that comes to the rescue! We offer the number one online casino service in the world.”

  • Alaska Joe says:

    Realize that if Eagle River breaks away, the largest, most significant city in Alaska will forever be surrendered to the left. It will become the new San Francisco/Portland/Liberal Dump. Residents of Eagle River, do you want to live next to that?
    Like it or not, Anchorage is important to Alaska. Please don’t surrender it.

    • Friend of Humanity says:

      Joe, that comment reminds me of the argument for not moving the capitol from Juneau. Anchorage’s population needs to start fighting hard to save their city. I honestly believe that they have been fluoridated to the point of not understanding the critical danger that they are in and not caring – sure explains the push to get everyone off of private wells and onto the city water system. We have all become complacent and this is why we are in this position. I am still in support of Eagle River breaking away. It has been a long time coming.

  • Penny Johnson says:

    I agree with the comments by ‘M’, there is no guarantee that EagleExit won’t be infiltrated by Dark Money, and Liberal progressive machinations in the future. There are no built-in protections other than current participants. That demographic changes seemingly overnight and is a inevitable progression in urbanized areas. Original intent needs to be in the legalese (cast in stone) of any planned “exit”, unchallenged & unbreakable. Good luck with that.

    • Friend of Humanity says:

      But, think of this Penny: hasn’t Anchorage ALREADY been infiltrated by dark money? Look at the demonic Anchorage Assembly that thinks they are the law makers of the state and of the world. Eagle River would be better off if it could break away and be ran by people who are working to save humanity – not destroy it.

  • Paul Keefe says:

    Assembly member Allard objected to the advisory proposition because it was to be muni-wide, and she feared the result would show that Anchorage residents would like EaglExit just as much as Eagle River residents.