Each and every week, desperate Alaska women drive to a Planned Parenthood abortion center to have their unborn baby killed by an abortionist. This happens more than 1,200 times each year.
On occasion, however, these women encounter a trained pro-life sidewalk counselor who can gently encourage them to reconsider their decision and welcome their baby into the world.
Tonight, March 19, there will be a training session for those who wish to learn more about becoming a sidewalk counselor on the frontlines of the pro-life movement.
The training will occur at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Anchorage (2901 Huffman Road) from 6-8:15 p.m. It will include instruction on how to interact with women in crisis pregnancy situations. Experienced counselors will share some of their personal experiences.
After the training, participants will be invited to take part in actual sidewalk counseling, for one hour, outside of the Anchorage Planned Parenthood abortion center on Lake Otis Parkway. The event will conclude at 8:15 p.m.
Attendees are encouraged to dress for outside weather. For more information, email 40DaysforLife-Anchorage@protonmail.com 40DaysforLife-Anchorage@protonmail.com.
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Excellent idea! Protestants take notice!
Sure. Where are the Protestants on this issue? The ministry to “women in crisis pregnancy situations” can’t be a Catholic-only affair. If the Catholics really oppose abortions, then why do they perform them at all at Catholic-owned medical centers? Are the same doctors who provide abortion services going to repent from their evil ways & deliver healthy babies all of a sudden? Do we trust them to?
Praying for strength for these sidewalk counseling women
And you Christians gripe about LGBT concerns being forced on you. Hypocrites.
why do you assume that non-catholics aren’t showing up just because the teaching is at a Catholic church? there are tons of protestants teaching, counseling, showing up. in fact one of the instructors is not a Catholic. it will take devoted people from all backgrounds to continue in the fight, and it is happening. so stop with the uninformed criticisms