
In an effort to publicly affirm the ever-expanding litany of human sexual proclivities and identities, the publicly-funded University of Alaska system is hosting “Lavender Graduation” events in the lead up to traditional graduation ceremonies this month.

According to the University of Alaska, Anchorage website, the campus will host its Lavender Graduation on May 3 in “celebration of the accomplishments and achievements of undergraduate and graduate students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, aromantic, asexual, agender, non-binary, pansexual, same-gender-loving, two-spirit, allied, and all others connected to the LGBTQIA2S+ community.”

The gathering, which is intended to provide a space to “celebrate yourself,” will include speakers and “performers” with food and drink sponsored by the school’s catering department.

Further north, the University of Alaska campus in Fairbanks held a similar event on April 13, in which the school passed out “rainbow honor cords” and “Pride Pins” for students to publicly display during the May 6 official graduation.

Lavender graduations fall under the university’s 2027 Plan that includes five “aspirations,” one of which is to “create a culture of equity and inclusion by embracing diversity.” To attain this goal, campuses across the state are focusing on eliminating “systemic” (or subconscious) racism, affirming certain, pre-selected marginalized groups and promoting the notion of “equity,” a concept used to favor some groups over others in order to achieve equality of outcomes, rather than equality of opportunity.

In addition to the sexual identity graduations, UAA is also hosting a May 4 “multicultural” graduation, but only for students who identify as “Black, African American, Indigenous, Native American, Hispanic, Latine/x/a/o, Asian, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern and North African, multiracial or mixed heritage; students who practice minoritized religions; and international students.” The event does not entail any recognition for students who identify as European, Anglo-Saxon or white. Nor does it extend an invitation to celebrate those who may practice a faith other than a so-called “minoritized religion.”

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University of Alaska hosts ‘Lavender’ graduations for assorted sexual identities

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Jon and Ruth Ewig says:

    Should we write a letter of complaint to the Board of Regents and the Governor since our taxpayer money is being used for anti-god activities and ceremonies? Or would it work to write to our legislators? Who financed these people? Where is the accountability? Keep praying for Alaska and the rest of the U.S. That we return to the stable country our Founder’s created with God’s help. Pray against the lawlessness that is prevalent at this time.

    • Daphne Hofschulte says:

      Thank you for paying attention to what UA is doing with their public money.

    • Sally Duncan says:

      I totally agree only I will go a little further. We should defund the University altogether until it becomes non-racist, including against whites, european, etc. This is madmess and yes I am now angry(mad)that my money is paying for this!

  • Proud Alaskan says:

    How asinine (extremely stupid or foolish) is this.
    God create Red, Yellow, Black, and White. Wait God also created only man and women.

    students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, aromantic, asexual, agender, non-binary, pansexual, same-gender-loving, two-spirit, allied, and all others connected to the LGBTQIA2S+ community.”

    students who identify as “Black, African American, Indigenous, Native American, Hispanic, Latine/x/a/o, Asian, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern and North African, multiracial or mixed heritage; students who practice minoritized religions; and international students.”

  • Bob Logan says:

    That’s wonderful! Just think how widely we can apply this! There will of course be a ceremony for straight people. Disabled people. Republicans. Democrats. Independents. Pet owners. Fishermen. Former strip club employees. The elderly. Tarot card readers and people who like anchovies on pizza. A ceremony for every individual! Oh wait, we already have that. It’s called graduation, and it is already inclusive of everyone.

    • jeryna says:

      You hit the nail on the head – wish we could knock some sense into these judgmental its.

  • Jeanette Exner says:

    I think this is very similar to the “Rainbow Prom” that is held every year for LGBTQ high school students. It gives them a safe and comfortable space to dance and socialize.

  • Patricia Baum says:

    Dividing people into groups is divisive. What we need to celebrate is unity, not division. When we have unity–then its time to celebrate.

  • Mike Brophy says:

    Jeanette, readers of Alaska Watchman are expected to ridicule anything related to LGBT-type events. Please get with the program!

    • Friend of Humanity says:

      You are totally incorrect in your assessment of Alaska Watchman readers Brophy. No one – including you – is “expected” to do or say anything. If you open your mouth and say something stupid and insensitive, that was your choice and no one made you do it.

    • Jeryna says:

      Boy you sure used the correct wording this time. Get with the “program” and just what percentage of these “qualified” persons are embodied within this coerced nazi “program”. Narrow minded Mikey ! Just let people live their own lives without your programming ! We will never unite while people like you keep separating into your defined SPECIAL social groups. Devisive and cruel. My children were and are being taught other than your spewed crap. They are taught to learn and accept not judge like the so called ‘adults’ are doing and forcing on them. Get over it.

  • Johnny says:

    I wear a hat! Where’s the flag for that!!??? I’m so offended right now!!!

  • Tamra Nygaard says:

    Do the various groups not understand that Separate but Equal was racist? Sure, go ahead and separate yourselves. We already know how that turns out, but you are probably the one with the scar from when Mom told you not to touch the stove.

    • DaveMaxwell says:

      That’s funny! Lavender Scarface! Another potential degrees program!

      • Jeryna says:

        THAT’S IT – keep up the name calling – so mature and educational -and not judgmental at all !!! Practice what you preach !

  • ML Moore just common sense says:

    The old saying of what goes around comes around is certainly applicable today. Sixty years the nation was in upheaval to eliminate segregation, The federal government forcefully initiated integrating Caucasians and Negros in order to attempt to create unity. Now, there is a movement of separatists to unravel the nations attempts of unity. As far as the queer folk, and their co-horts, we do not celebrate mental illness, we treat it like any other illness, and most people who are ill don’t advertise it, as it’s a personal issue.

  • DaveMaxwell says:

    Thanks for funding this crap dunleavy! And Parnel leads this perverse institution? What the hell happens to these stupid governors?