
Anchorage School Board Member Dave Donley

As the only conservative on the leftist-controlled Anchorage School Board, Dave Donely has had a difficult time getting his colleagues to vote on proposals that would encourage patriotism and safeguard parental rights.

Now, Donely is asking the public to turn out for the upcoming Aug. 6 board meeting in support of his ideas, which have been stuck in subcommittees for more than a year.


His first proposal would encourage activities that instill national pride by requiring all schools to play the National Anthem and the Alaska State Flag Song on the first school day of each month. Additionally, Donley’s proposal directs schools to play the National Anthem during any school day that falls on Veteran’s Day, Sept. 11 and Dec. 7.

Other aspects of Donley’s proposal include requiring schools, during the last month of academics, to read the first two sentences of both the Declaration of Independence and the Emancipation Proclamation to honor federal holidays that are celebrated during summer break. On Constitution Day, Sept. 17, schools would be mandated to read the Preamble of the Constitution.

Originally submitted in March of 2023 and approved by a subcommittee in May of 2024, Donley’s proposal was scheduled for a vote this spring, but instead was returned to the subcommittee without any action.

In a memo to the public, Donley aims to rally public support to encourage his fellow board members to at least vote on his ideas.


In a second policy proposal, Donley is asking residents to back his effort to protect parental rights by requiring schools to notify parents when their child is struggling with sexual identity confusion.

In a memo, Donley notes that the school board has never voted on this matter of parental notification. The current status is that in 2020, the district adopted an “administrative guideline” limiting parental notification regarding gender, names and pronouns chosen by secondary (middle and high school) students. While the school board is the only body empowered to adopt “policy,” the administrative guidelines are in effect until the board acts.

To date, the leftist majority on the school board has refused to consider Donley’s policy proposal, claiming it wants to wait until the new Title IX guidelines by the Biden-Harris administration where provided. In May, this year those guidelines were provided mandating denial of parent notification. But the implementation of those Biden guidelines was blocked in Alaska by Federal District court decisions.

By refusing to act, the school board has allowed the district to hide a child’s gender identity, preferred pronouns and name changes. This allows teachers and administrators to treat a child one way at school, and then conceal their actions when interacting with parents.

The district’s current guidelines state that “it is not unusual for a student’s desire to transition to first surface at school.” It goes on to note, “Generally, notification of a student’s parent about his or her gender identity, expression or transition is unnecessary, as they are already aware and may be supportive. In some cases, however, notifying parents carries risks for the student if the family does not support the student’s desire to transition. Prior to notification of any parent or guardian regarding the transition process, school staff should work closely with the student to assess the degree to which, if any, the parent/guardian will be involved in the process, considering at all times the health, well-being, and safety of the transitioning student.”

Last August, Donley submitted policy language to require that school meet with parents regarding any gender, legal name, or pronoun changes during the school year. It also mandates that written permission from parents is needed “before the name or pronoun used by the school to address or refer to the parent’s child in person, on school identification, or in school records is changed.”


— The next Anchorage School Board meeting is Tuesday Aug. 6 at 6 p.m. at 5530 E Northern Lights Blvd Education Center. Until the morning before the meeting starts the public can call (907-742-4315) or IN-PERSON before the meeting starts sign up to testify (in person or by telephone) for 3 minutes.

— To email or call board members prior to the meeting, click here.

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Anchorage School Board buries lone conservative’s effort to promote patriotism, protect parent rights

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Diana says:

    Parents and grandparents should get behind this board member, Dave Donley. to respect the efforts of parents everywhere in Alaska attempting and working for the benefit of good education, teaching, and family involvement with the state and lawful purpose for the children families are raising. Its worth your time to support this board member.

  • Diana Graf says:

    Thank you, Dave Donley, for remaining vigilant to speak and to support due process in the midst of
    an assembly that is not and should not have power over American children let alone children who have
    recently fled countries run by people just like them. From the frying pan into the fire…there is no compassion
    in that. A good teacher points to those who are their benefactors, leads them back to their parents and/or directs them
    toward their parents, and shares the burden of honor in the school and in the home that the children need not be ashamed
    but thankful.
    Thank you, Joel Davidson and staff, for remaining vigilant to report what and who needs
    to be covered in prayer.

  • Anton Shotnick says:

    Rituals forced upon society is not patriotism. Think about the Pledge of Allegiance. The words aren’t true. We are not one nation. There is no god. We are not indivisible. Republicans are hell bent on removing liberty and there most definitely is not equal justice in America.

    Students should learn about foundational government documents within established lesson plans.

    Also, ask any teacher how s/he feels about yet another forced time consuming mandate.

    • Steve says:

      Anton, you talk about Republican removing liberty and no equal justice, you’re projecting what the Democrats have done to this country. No equal justice? Just look at the Biden family and you’ll see proof the justice system is corrupt. You need to stop asking teachers how they feel about doing what their employer tells them to do, are they an elite class of employees?

  • Debi Kirchner says:

    I just don’t get it, why do parents vote in such liberal policies? Is that what the majority wants? My kids would be homeschooled.

  • DaveMaxwell says:

    It’s completely rigged and corrupt!

  • DaveMaxwell says:

    Where is dumpleavy and his legal minded Treg hiding under the table trailer?

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